10:29 pm

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10:29 pm, September 9th, present year.

         I bought some food with the cash, and like Unknown said, it wasn’t counterfeit. ate on the same park bench I woke up on, and was currently sitting there.

            Hunter hadn’t called yet, and I was getting nervous. How far away was I? The 911 operator said it wasn’t going to be long, yet it had been almost 45 minutes and I hadn’t heard anything.

            I had been sitting for a few minutes with my eyes closed, when I suddenly felt a tap on my leg. I jerked my eyes open and was surprised to find a girl, about Riley’s age, sitting next to me.

            She looked over at me and said, “Excuse me, sir, but you’re on my bench.”

            I was confused. “What do you mean?”

            “This is where I sleep. I’ve slept on this bench for the past year, and I’ve grown quite attached to it.”

            “Where is your family? Your mom and dad?”

            “I don’t know.” She shrugged and continued to penetrate my eyes. “I’ve never met them.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “I was told that I was put up for adoption at birth.”

            “Who told you this?”

            “The orphanage I was at.”

            “Why aren’t you there now?” I was surprised. Why wasn’t she there now?

            “I ran away.”

            Man, she wasn’t giving very detailed answers. “Why did you run away?”

            “Because they were mean to me.”


            Neither of us said anything. Then she asked again, “So could you find another bench please?”

            “Sure, sure.” I stood up and began to walk away. I took a few steps, then turned back around and looked at her. She was still staring at me.

            “What’s your name?”

            She paused, and then answered, “Juliet Madyson.”

            I reached in my pocket and pulled out $80. I held it out for her. “Here, take this. Get some food, some clothes or something.”

            “Thank you sir. And what is your name?”

            “Chase Mitchels.”

            “Nice to meet you.”

            “You too.” I pivoted and left her.

*          *          *

            I found another bench away from Juliet and settled in. She was a strange girl that was for sure. Yet she reminded me of Riley in a way. I missed him.

            Back to the present. I needed to get somewhere to wait for Hunter. Where? He said a library. A library would be open though. How about a Wawa or 7-11? I opened my trusty map and soon located a 7-11 not too far away. Only a few minutes and I would be there.

            I stood up and started off in the direction the map told me too. As I was walking, I heard running footsteps behind me. I slowed down, and waited for them to pass me.

            Seconds ticked  and they didn't pass. I heard the running steps settle down to a steady walk.

            I took off running. I didn't know who was behind me, and I had no interest in finding out. I was gaining ground. Soon the other person’s footsteps were inaudible. I slowed to a walk again and glanced behind me. Nothing.

            I sighed and looked back in the direction I was going.

            Juliet Madyson was standing in front of me.

            I jumped back and yelped.

            She started laughing. "You scream funny."

            "Were you following me?"

            She nodded.

            "Why?" I asked with annoyance.

            "Because you're my only friend here Chase. I thought maybe you would be my friend."

            "Weren't you ever told not to talk to strangers?" This girl was very different. I wasn’t sure if I like it or not.

            "Weren’t you told the same thing?"

            She got me. "Well, yeah, but I’m older than you, and I’m in a slightly different situation than you.”

            “Really? What are you doing here?”

            Should I tell her? “I’m just in a bit of trouble.” I tried not to reveal too much information.

            She never broke eye contact. “What kind of trouble? Can I help?”

            “Nothing much. Just something little. And thanks for the offer, but I’m afraid not.”

            “Oh…I see. Where were you going?”

            So many questions. “To the 711. Somebody is going to pick me up there and take me home.”

            “So you’re lost?”

            “Something like that.”

            She took my hand. “Can I come with you? I’m hungry.”

            I thought about it. Hunter wouldn’t be too much longer. “Sure, come on. But we’ve got to hurry.”

            As we walked, Juliet started to sing. How could she be happy when she was sleeping on a bench with no family, and was abused by her orphanage?

            “Juliet, can I ask you something?”

            “Sure. What?”

            “Well, I was wondering…” Before I could continue, my cell phone rang.

            “Hold on a minute Juliet.”

            I answered it. “Hello?”

            “Chase, it’s Hunter. Where are you? I’m about 15 minutes away.”

            “I’m on my way to a 7-11. I hope you know how to get there, because there’s no way I can offer directions.”

            “I can find it in my GPS. Just get there quick. I’ll call you once I’m outside. When I do, just come out and I’ll be in a blue Honda Civic .”

            “Alright. See you in a few.”

            I hung up and Juliet asked, “Who was that?’

            “The person who is picking me up.”

            “Oh…What were you going to ask me?”


            15 minutes, and I would be safe.

            I hoped nothing would go wrong. 

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