6:31 am

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6:31 am, September 10th, present year.

            Chief Kristen Myrene ended a very unusual conversation with her new detective, Sophie Richards. Sophie sounded worried. Not much, but enough to be noticeable.

            Kristen couldn’t concentrate on that now. She had too much work to do. She passed the worry off as nervousness from Sophie’s first high profile case.     

*          *          *

            The figure patted Sophie on the shoulder. “Good job detective, you’ve done a good job so far. I’m fairly certain that your Chief bought your little show, at least for the moment. I’ll leave you alone now.”

            Sophie started to say something, but the figure was already walking away. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it.

            The figure splashed water on his face and then slowly dried the water with a nearby towel. As he finished, his eyes settled on a photo next to his toothbrush and toothpaste, the only items on the sink. This picture was the only one the figure had ever kept. The figure picked it up and cradled it in his hand.

            It was a picture of his daughter.

            And he saw her today for the first time since she was born.

            Her name was Juliet Madyson.

            The figure trailed Chase while he was in the town alone. The figure saw Chase befriend his daughter, and watched them closely until Chase and Juliet had walked to the 7-11, where they were picked up by Hunter.

            The figure name Juliet, and when she had introduced herself, the figure knew who it was.

            How the figure missed his daughter. Maybe when he escaped from prison, he would find his daughter again and together they would run away and live happily ever after.

            But that was for later. The figure couldn’t lose focus.

            The figure unlocked the door and walked out.

*          *          *

            The movie ended and now I was halfway through an episode of “House”. I didn’t understand half the doctor lingo, but the show was amazing anyway.

            Dad was reading a book and paying no attention to the TV.

            I munched on the chips and enjoyed the humor of Hugh Laurie.

*          *          *

            The figure prepared to call his mother. If everything was still on schedule, then in an hour, maybe two, Terri would be in the Mitchel’s house, earning the trust of the family. It would just take a little helpful nudge.

            The figure was getting excited. He had to be patient. The plan couldn’t be rushed. It was planned perfectly, and starting a section early would not help, in fact, it would hinder the wonderful process the figure carefully mapped out.

            Terri’s number was on speed dial, and within a few moments, the figure was talking to his mother.

            “How is it?” the figure asked.

            “It’s going fine,” Terri replied.

            “Are you sure?”

            “…don’t you trust me?”

            “Of course I do.”

            “Then stop worrying. I know you’re excited, but keep calm my dear. Just let the plan take its course.”

            “I know.”

            “Rest a bit. You’re going to need it.”

            The figure hung up.

            The figure was looking forward to the next few hours.

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