6:19 pm

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6:19 pm, September 9th, present year.

Mom hung up the phone. She looked worried. Dad walked over and I was right behind him.

“Well?” Dad asked.

“He was able to present our case sooner than expected, but, like he said, he was turned down because of a “lack of evidence and witnesses’. He suggested that we just stay at home for a few days and not go out unless it’s necessary.”

I stopped. Lack of evidence? Isn’t that what Unkown had said on the phone about an hour ago? Is it possible…no, that’s crazy, never mind. Daniels is just an awful cop, not a sadistic killer. Besides, Daniels was nervous and anxious around my family, not cocky and terrifying like Unknown was. I shook my head. Man, Unknown was really getting in my head.

            “So I just stay at home and wait until the time table passes? What if he decides to kill me afterwards? I’m not going to feel safe just because 24 hours has passed.”

            Dad replied, “I know, neither would your mother or I. We’ll think of something. Maybe we’ll hire a private investigator or something.” He looked me in the eyes. “You’ll be safe, I promise.”

            “Alright. Oh, and see if this will help.” I pulled out the bullet, and held it out for my parents to see. “I found it on my bed, along with this note.” I gave both items to Dad, and he looked them both over carefully. “I’m assuming he came through the window, but I didn’t hear him at all.”

            Mom looked scared. “He came in our house? And we didn’t even know it?”

            Dad tried to comfort her, “He was only able to get in because Chase’s window is shattered. The doors are all locked, and I’m about to go around and lock all the windows. Chase, you’re sleeping in Riley’s room tonight. Grab some stuff out of your room and put it in Riley’s.”

            I left and went into my room. Pillows, a blanket, and my iPod all went in a pile to be transferred into my brother’s room.

I walked out of my room and entered Riley’s. He was sitting on his bed, reading a comic book.

“Hey Chase, you sleeping in my room tonight?” He smiled.

“Yes, Riles, I am.” I returned the grin.

“Yay! Sleepover!” He bounced on his bed.

“No all nighters, understand?”

“I know!”

I dropped my stuff on the floor and set up my spot on the rug. When I was done, Riley asked, “Chase, could you read me this comic? You read it so much better than I do.”

“Sure.” I climbed on his bed. “Which one are you reading?”



“Alright, scoot over. Let me get my narrator voice ready.” I cleared my throat, and then made horse sounds with my lips. Riley started laughing.

“Alright where were you?”

He turned to the beginning. “I wanna hear the whole story!”

“Okay, let’s see.” I began reading from the start, and threw in sound effects, different character voices, and whatever else would make him laugh. He would giggle, then hush quickly so not to miss the next part. He was enjoying himself.

I tried to enjoy it too, but I still knew what danger I was in. But I tried to hide my fear in front of Riley. He needed to know his big brother would be okay, and that I wasn’t scared.

As I read, he slumped closer to my body, so eventually his head was lying on my chest. Every time he laughed, I could feel it in my body. And every time he would sharply inhale at an intense moment, I could feel his body tense up. He was scared of what would happen in a comic book, and I was frightened because of what might happen to me in reality. It’s a good thing he didn’t realize the extent of my situation.

The end came and I finished it dramatically and with a lot of hand gestures.

“There you go bud, Spider-man always wins.” I handed the comic back to him.

“The good guys ALWAYS win, right Chase?”

I hesitated. “Yes, the good guys always win. Someway or another.”

“So your bad guy isn’t going to get you, right?” Those innocent eyes pierced my heart.

“Nope, he’s not. I’m going to be just fine.”

“Yay!” He threw his arms around me in a bear hug. I hugged him back, and a tear came out of my eye.

I couldn’t let Riley see that bad guys win. I wouldn’t let Riley see the bad guys win. 

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