2:50 am

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2:50 am, September 10th, present year.

       Stephen Paulson had been assigned to me to finish the debriefing. Now though, it was hard to think about my day when my mind was filled with Daniels.

            What happened? Why did Unknown have to kill him? Did this mean there was a chance I would be killed also before the time was up? What if Unknown decided to break his own rules? The only redeeming characteristic of Unknown was that he didn't seem like the type to go against his word. Which also meant when the time came, it would be very difficult to escape. Hopefully he would be in custody by then.

            "-walked where?"

            I was daydreaming. I had missed the entire question.

            "I'm sorry. What did you ask?"

            Stephen sighed. "I know that you have had 12 traumatizing hours, but if we could just finish this, you could go home and finally get some rest."

            "Yes, yes, I'm sorry. It's just what with Daniels and all..."

            "I know. Do you want to talk about that first? It might clear your mind of it."

            "No, it's okay. What did you ask?"

            He repeated his question. "After you woke up and had the conversation with, as you call him, 'Unknown', where did you go?"

            I answered him, but as I talked, I could see Riley starting to get exhausted. He was watching a movie on my Dad’s Smartphone, but he was tired of it and started to doze off. I was actually surprised he lasted this long.

            When I ended my reply, I faced Mom. "You can go home if you want with Riley. I'll call you when I'm done."

            "No, we're not leaving you alone again."

            I waved with my arms. "I'm hardly alone."

            "But still…”

            "How about this," I offered. "Dad stays here and you take Riley home. He looks beat."

            Mom looked at dad. "What do you think?"

            He pondered it. "Well…I think as long as one of us stays here with him, it'll be fine. How about you take Riles home, and I’ll bring Chase home after."

            "Are you sure?" Mom was still worried.

            "Yes." Dad and I replied simultaneously.

            She complied. Mom nudged Riley and took his hand. Mom hugged me, making promise nothing would happen to me, which I did. Then Riley gave me a bear hug and we told each other "I love you.” They walked out, with Riley waving to me.

            I faced Stephen again. "Sorry. I won't make any more interruptions."

            "Thank you. Let's just bear down and get this done."


*          *          *

            The figure wasn't growing impatient, but time was precious. Chase caused a few interruptions which slowed down the process, but it was minor. Everything was still on schedule.

            The figure hadn't talked to his victim on the phone in a while. That depressed the figure. He so enjoyed those conversations. Maybe even lived for them. That seemed right. The figure would probably be captured after he killed Chase. Correction. The figure would allow the police to capture him. He had no use of his life after Chase was dead. That was the figures most treasured mission. Chase Mitchels. Even the name brought chills. He knew Chase so well, yet hardly knew him at all.

            The figure thought about when he would be with Chase right before the 3:15 deadline. The figure would tell him the shocking news, the horrifying story, the tale that Chase surely wouldn't want to believe, but would have no other choice. The evidence would be overwhelming. Chase wouldn't be able to deny it. It might be hard for the figure to relive that time again, but it was dreadfully necessary. It would break Chase before his death.

            The figure smiled a pure evil grin. The people around the figure returned his smile with one of happiness, mistakenly assuming the figures was one of happiness too.

            No, the figures smile was one of anticipation. The glorious wait could not last forever. And when it ended…

*          *          *

            "Alright, only a few questions left, and then we'll be done."

            I smiled. Finally. "Go on."

            "After the car flew off the side of the cliff, and before we came to pick you up, what happened?"

            I recounted the conversation Unknown had with Hunter and me, mostly with Hunter. "After that, we just kind of sat there, not saying a whole lot. Then you guys came. And here I am."

            Stephen typed some more down, the shut the lid. He then looked me in the eyes and said, "Another part of debriefing is offering professional therapy for the victim. The first visit is paid for by us, so it’s risk free if you would like to try it out." He pulled out a business card. "Here is the name of the psychologist. If you decide to attend at least one session, call this number," He pointed to the phone number on the business card, "and tell them that Chief Kristen Myrene is paying for the first session. He'll know what to do then."

            I accepted the card and looked it over. The man’s name was Christopher Aundry. The picture of him was, honestly, kind of ugly. I pocketed it and thanked Stephen. 

            "If you remember anything else, or have any questions, call my cell. I wrote the number on the back of the card. Until then, nice to meet you Chase." he shook my hand. "You too, Mr. Mitchels." He and Dad exchanged a firm handshake.

            Dad asked, "What should we do?"

            "Go see Chief Myrene's office. Just go out the way you came in, and once you hit the main floor, walk to the very back of the floor."

            "The very back?" I was surprised.

            He shrugged. "She likes her privacy."

            Dad thanked him, and Stephen left.

            "Need anything before we go?" Dad held the door open for me.

            "Nope. Let's get this over with. I want to get home."

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