1:11 am

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1:11 am, September 10th, present year.

        We pulled into the parking space, and we all got out. It was still dark, but the front of the station was visible from the flood lights installed in the ground by the stairs. The building looked pretty standard. Nothing special about it. Stairs led up to glass double doors, and windows were symmetrically placed on each floor of the building. The station looked to be several stories high.

            I followed Hunter up the steps and through the doors. Once we walked in, I started looking for my family. However, the station was bustling with officers, criminals, witnesses, and staff.

            I kept close to Hunter as we both trailed Stephen and Trevor. They led us through the swarm of people and down a hall. We turned left and descended down a flight of stairs. Instead of the congested public area, we were now in the more private back rooms of the station. On each sides of the hall were conference rooms, and occasionally a bathroom.

            “Where are my parents?” I asked to nobody in particular.

            Nobody answered, and before I could ask again, Trevor and Stephen stopped and opened the conference door to our right. I walked in after him, and saw a beautiful sight.

            There was Mom, Dad, and Riley, all sitting in leather swivel chairs around an oval wood table. They saw me, and I saw them. I ran to them, throwing my arms around whoever touched me first. It was Riley. Fast little kid.

            We all hugged, and I think I heard Mom ask me if I was alright, and Dad tried to say something that I couldn’t hear over Riley yelling. It was all pretty crazy. My escorts stood to the side and watched silently. After a few minutes though, I heard a voice say, “Alright, we have to get started.”

            It wasn’t a voice I knew. In fact, it wasn’t even a male voice.

            I released my family and looked around. At the far end of the room, seated at the head of the table, was a woman. She was average height, but had steady and intimidating eyes. Her light brown hair and dark blue suit completed her professional look.

            “Uh…hi.” I waved.

            “Hello Chase. I’m Kristen Myrene, the Chief of the Prackersburg Police Department.” She came towards me.

            “The PPD…” I chuckled to myself.

            “Excuse me?” Myrene asked.

            “Oh, nothing.” She was now in front of me, and extended her hand. I shook it and then she motioned for everyone to take a seat. Our group was Mom, Dad, Riley, Myrene, Trevor, Stephen, Hunter, and I.

            We all found a chair and made ourselves comfortable. Then all eyes went to the chief.

            “Well Chase, I’ve heard you’ve had quite the eventful day,” she started out.

            I nodded. “I haven’t had much down time, that’s for sure.”

            “I can imagine. Before we really dive in, I wanted to offer you some water or juice. We cannot offer any food sadly, but if you’re thirsty, we have some beverages available.”

            I considered it. “I’ll have some apple juice please.”

            She dismissed Trevor to fetch my drink.

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