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5:55 pm, September 9th, present year.


                   Every few minutes, I checked my phone to see if somebody was calling me. Each time though, my screen showed no missed calls, texts, or voice messages. Unknown had gotten to me. He had me looking over my shoulder, checking my cell phone, looking out my window, all which proved he had control over me. And I hated that.

            I was sitting on my bed, mulling over everything that had happened. I tried to turn my detective brain on. Who WAS this guy? I’ve asked him a few times, but he’s never given me a straight answer. If I could get his name, I could give it to the police, and they could search it. Then I’d know more about this guy.

            Suddenly a thought hit me. Where was the bullet from the shot? I didn’t remember seeing it after my laptop seemingly exploded. I walked over to my desk, and sat down in my chair where I had been when it was shot. I didn’t see anything. I shuffled the papers on the surface, scanning, searching with my eyes and feeling with my hands. Where was it? Maybe it fell. I ducked underneath and swiped the rug with both hands. All I felt was the carpet’s pattern.

Where in the world was it? I wanted to find it. Not so much to turn in for evidence, but mostly for the sake of knowing something concrete for once. Everything else turned up vague, shallow, and unclear. I need to know something for sure. I need to know, yes the bullet is right here, and yes, for once, it’s certain that I know that Unknown shot my laptop with a real bullet. No trickery, clichés, or mysteries. All I knew for certain that was somebody wanted to kill me.

            “Chase, it’s time for dinner.” Mom tried her best to sound normal.

            “Alright, I’m coming!” I got out from under my desk and walked out my room, through the living room, and into the kitchen. Mom, Dad, and Riley were already sitting there. Macaroni and Cheese aroma filled the room. I pulled out my chair and seated myself.

            We held hands, and Dad said a quick prayer. “Dear God, please protect us tonight. We pray that Sergeant Daniels, his staff and chief will be able to open a case. Please give us all peace, and I pray for whoever is doing this. Convict him of his wrong, and if it’s in Your will, nag him to turn himself in. And bless this food. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”

            We unlocked hands and Mom began serving the food. Nobody said anything. Soon everybody had food and we started eating. No one even looked up. We were all concentrated on eating, and eating only.

            Riley tried to get a conversation going. "Chase, how do you get girls to like you?"

I smiled. He was always looking for tips on getting the girls.

"Well, you've just got to be yourself and not worry about the right clothes or anything."

He looked at me strange.

I chuckled once. "Just kidding. You've got to be rich and popular and hot to get the girls it seems nowadays."

"Alright, well, I'll spike my hair and see if that helps."

"You do that."

My cell phone buzzed.

My heart jumped. I checked my phone. It was a text message from one of my friends, Jesse Battle. I ignored it and my heart calmed down a little.

Mom asked, "Who was that?"

"It was from Jesse. He wanted to know if I could hang out tomorrow. I'm saying no."

Mom nodded.

We finished eating, and I excused myself back to my room. I wandered over to my chair and sat down in it.

Then I noticed something on my bed. A piece of paper wrapped around something.

I picked it up and an object slid out from the paper.

It was the bullet. I nearly jumped.

The paper had something typed on it. "Hope it helps your 'case'. Although I really doubt it."

I rushed over to my window. It all looked the same.

How did he get in my room?

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