Chapter 1

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A/N- this is a fake story. Not true. This would be rated PG-13 if I rated it. It has some things that are not kid friendly.

I lye in bed thinking about how my dreadful day is gonna be. Next thing I know Matt is banging on my door yelling for me to make him breakfast. "I'm gonna be late so get your ass up now!" Matt said angrily. "I'm up!" I yelled just as angry as he was that he interrupted my thoughts. I get dressed and raced downstairs.

OOTD- old hoodie, sweats and Uggs

I made both of us a pancake. After eating I put up my plate, grab my book bag and run out the door. I walked all the way to school and Matt arrived after me in his black Mustang.

Matt then found his friend and our packs Alpha, Hayes. He turned 18 today and was looking for his mate. Next thing I know Hayes is staring at me with lust in his eyes. He yells out "NO WAY, ALEX TYRA IS MY MATE?!" I just stared at him as hot energy flew through my whole body. "I Hayes Parker, reject Alex Tyra as my mate." said Hayes. "I Alex Tyra, accepts Hayes Parker's rejection." I said with my eyes full of tears. I ran out of school all the way home and packed. I got dad's debit card and ran to the bank, grabbing my bag on the way out.

I get to the bank and draw out $10,000 dollars out of my dad's account since we were rich and dad wouldn't even notice. I bought a ticket to LA since I've always wanted to go there and enjoyed 7 hours of myself and no body bothering or making fun of me.

We landed and I rented a hotel room at a very fancy hotel. I go down to the café to see if I smelled a pack or pack members. I had a rouge smell since I left my pack I could smell it. I smelled a pack member but no pack. I saw a hott guy and he was 6 ft and 5 in with brown hair and blue eyes. I walked up to him to talk but he was discussed at my rouge scent. He said he needed to talk to talk to me and I followed him.

I followed him all the way to the hotel Starbucks and drank our coffee in the back room. I told him how I was rejected from my mate and how my pack always treated me like a piece of shit. I told him I got on a plane and headed here, I didn't care where I was as long as I way away from my old piece of shit that I called home. He was furious because he didn't believe in treating pack members like that. He asked me to come with him and join his pack. I agreed mainly 'cause I had no where planned to go. So we were off to his pack's house.

We arrived at a mansion that looked bigger than the 'white house'. "This is your packs home." I asked surprised. "Yup!" He said.

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