Chapter 5

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I told Hayes to leave but he wouldn't. He said that he missed me and it pained him everyday we were apart. He said it killed him not knowing where I was or if I was in trouble. I told him I didn't care anymore I was the Luna of MY pack. "Don't you have to have the mark to be the luna?" Hayes asked me smartly. "I really don't know but I'm hopefully gonna get it soon." I said saying it in the same tone he used. As soon as I finished that sentence Caleb came in. I could see him getting hot with jealousy. (A/N: hot temperature wise or I would have put hott for sexy hot.) He then told Hayes to leave in his alpha tone or he would rip him apart. Hayes left and Caleb slammed the door behind him. I then asked him if he would mark me right now. "Are you sure because I can't be stopped." Caleb asked with concerned eyes. "If I wasn't I wouldn't have asked you." I told him.

A/N: This is only the marking part nothing more.

He started to kiss me and he pushed me onto the bed. He moved down to my neck. He hit a spot that made me moan. Then I felt a sharp pain but quickly felt better. He then rolled off me and we fell asleep.

He woke me up by calling my name. Then all of a sudden it looked like I was running a race because I jumped outta bed and ran to the bathroom to see my mark. It was a perfect circle with a bald eagle feather in the middle. All around the feather was different designs that looked amazing. It was located where my neck and shoulder met. Then Caleb grabbed my hand and sat me on the bed and began talking to me. He said that I would soon begin the Heat. E said that once I get the heat I'll get real moody and my scent would attract unmated males. I didn't care as long as I was with Caleb.

We then went downstairs to make breakfast. Hayes saw my mark and got really pissed. It was funny. Anyways I finished my breakfast and went to go change upstairs.

OOTD- black spandex, black sports bra and nike shoes

I went to the back yard and was ready for training. I finished training and all the unmated boys was by my side. Caleb got pissed off and told me to go to the room. That was what pissed me off and I told him I could take care of myself. I then ran up to our room and took a cold back to calm me down. It calmed me down so much that I fell asleep in there.

I woke up the next day fully clothed in me and Caleb's bed with his hand around my waist. I jerked away from him and ran downstairs to fix ME some breakfast. I started to make ME some breakfast but stopped dead in my tracks. I was in so much pain for being away from Caleb. Then the pain got worse when I was hit by a cold breeze. I was so cold that I ran to the living room and grabbed 3 blankets and wrapped up in it.

I laid on the couch trying to warm up. I felt better a few minutes later but then I knew why. Caleb was cuddling up to me on the couch. I then jerked away from him and he told me he wanted me to feel better. I gave in but only this time cause I was in so much pain. I felt better 30 minutes later. I then decided to apologize and I told him I wanted to complete the mating process that blinded out love together FOREVER. He asked me if I was sure and I said yes. He then bridal style carried me up to the room.

He kissed me passionately and made me moan loudly. He continued down to my neck and started sucking on my mark which made me moan even louder. He slipped off my shirt and pants and continued kissing me from my lips down to my belly button and back up. Then I slipped off his shirt and pants which left him in boxers. Then we were off. Then once we were finished he rolled off me and went to bed.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast and noticed that Caleb was gone. I just decided to go downstairs since he was probably there.

I came through the doorway that divided the kitchen from the stairs and saw Jake, Jason and Caleb. Jake and Jason cheered as I came through the doorway because he knew what happened last night. (A/N: Jake and Jason weren't stalking them. they just knew.) I finished and went to change into sporty clothing for outside.

OOTD- black spandex (not the same ones as last time), grey tank top and some nike shoes

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