Why don't Girls Ask Guys Out?

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I truly have not understood why it is common for a girl not to ask a guy out. The media tells girls to wait, for a guy but truthfully a guy would love a girl to ask them out. My girlfriend asked me out and I didn't think it was strange. I thought it was super hot! But, I just don't understand that because in my mind It doesn't and it shouldn't matter if a guy asks a girl out or a girl asks a guy out. I want people to take a stand and I want girls to start asking guys! I know it probably won't happen but I hope it does because we need to become equal.

P.S. Tell me in the comments if you think a girl should be able to ask a guy out and please don't say "girls don't ask guys out because there nervous"..cause i get nervous to but I still manage to ask girls out and not have a meltdown.

P.P.S. I think that is the first time i said I get nervous...


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