I'm Sorry

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I have been in the hospital since about December 15 with this heart issue. I am getting surgery and will be out the latest January 2nd. I can't wait to taste real pizza and feel real fresh air. I can't wait to run without feeling like someone is strangling me. I can laugh without holding my chest because the pain is so bad. I can do what I do.

I can't drink

I can't smoke

I can't get arrested

I can't not go to a college class cause I feel like I don't need to

I can't be sad

I can't soak up others happiness by beating them with my words

I can't not stand

I can't not walk

I can't not know who was there for me and who wasn't.

I was Christmas break and none of my friends took off to help me..hell even visit me.

They didn't have to but I need people I feel comfortable around.

I've been writing more lately in between 6 hour naps lol.

All the 'I can'ts' should be 'I wills'.

I will show love

I will thank

I will be grateful for the life I am given.

And most of all I will be thankful for my loyal readers that wait for me and read every thing I write and are just in checking on me making sure I'm alright and giving me ideas in how to write and fix stories. I love all my readers THANK YOU.

*virtual hug insert here*

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