Things guys look for in a girl.

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1. You don't have to be super fit or anything just as long as you like being in your own skin..we like girls that are just neat and nice, i think.

2. We love flirts:)

3. "Are you doing something", "have you eaten already" is usually what a guy says first on the phone to get out of stammering.

4. Guys love a girls smile

5. Guys cry

6. Guys love when girls touch there hands

7. Guys love there moms

8. Most guys are open about themselves

9. Guys admire ALL girls even if they aren't that pretty

10. Guys virtually brag about anything

11. Guys cannot keep a secret that a girl tells them

12. Guys think too much

13. Guys don't have final decisions

14. Don't be a snob, guys usually give up on the first sign of rejection

15. Guys are more talkative when they are talking about girls

16. Guys hate girls that overreact.

        ~John + ~Nick

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