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Aidan's pov

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Aidan's pov

I woke up to my dad yelling on the phone. I walked out and he was hanging up. "What happened?" I asked leaning against the wall. "Steve did something illegal," he replied and ran out. "What?" I said to myself. "Don't talk to yourself it's weird," Pietro said behind me and I laughed.

"Do you know what Steve did?" I asked. "Should I?" He asked and I shrugged and sat on the couch. We talked for awhile until dad walked back in. "well?" I asked. "Phone call for Mr. Maximoff," Dad said ignoring me and handed Pietro the phone.

"Yeah, uh huh, no problem, bye," Pietro said. "Well?" I asked. "Steve said he needs to see me I need to go," He said and before I could say anything he ran off. "Where Peter?" Dad asked. "How should I know," I said. Just then Peter walked in.

"Both of you get in your suits, we have somewhere to be," He said. "Where?" Peter asked but dad just walked out. "Don't ask questions," I said sighing and went to get my suit on. After we got there dad told Peter and I what was going on and I was not happy about it. "I'm not fighting them, they're my family," I said.

"You'll do what I say," Dad replied and I sighed while he told us the plan. We got there and I stood next to Nat and Rhodey. Pietro, Jordyn, and Wanda all on the other side with Cap. I looked at Pietro sadly and he mouthed "I'm sorry"  "This is insane! I'm not gonna fight them!" I yelled putting my hands up in defeat.

"We don't want to fight," Steve said. "Then why the hell are we here?" I asked. They ignored me and he and dad kept talking. I was zoned out when dad yelled something and Peter stole Caps shield. "Why does the world hate me," I said. After awhile "We fight," Steve said and started running at us. "This is gonna end well," Nat said.

"They're not stopping!" Peter said. "Neither are we," Dad said. "Really stated the obvious Pete," I said starting to fly into the air. I got on top of a bus and looked around. The only person unoccupied, was Pietro.

"I'm not gonna fight you P," I said. "We don't have much of a choice Dani," He said. "Yes we do," I said. "Maximoff get off your ass!" Cap yelled. "Some godfather you are!" I yelled at him. "Are we gonna be best friends if we fight?" He asked. "Only if I win," I joked and did an ariel off the car like Nat taught me.

We started fighting, and of course, I won. "That's what ya get P," I said and walked off to help Peter. "Did you see," he said inbetween a kick. "That my sister is on caps side?" He finished. "Yeah," I said and caught one of Clints arrows going for Peter. "So is Pietro," I said and then turned to Clint.

"Really?" I asked and threw it before it blew up. "Wasnt meant for you kid!" Clint yelled at me. "Yeah yeah," I said. "There's a lot of things going on that you don't understand kid," Cap said to Peter. "Bullshit I understand it and I'm the same age," I said. "Mr. Stark said you would say that," Peter said and shot webs at his legs and dragged him making him drop his sheild.

"also said to go for the legs," Peter said. "Stark tell you anything else?" Cap asked. "That you're wrong, and you think your right, that makes you dangerous," Peter replied. "Guess he had a point," Cap and I said in unison then he dropped a storage unit on Peter and I ran under to help hold it up. "You got heart kid where you from?" "Queens" "Brooklyn," Cap said and ran off. We got out from under the unit and sighed.

"That is heavy," I said. "Don't take anything he says personal, he really does always think he's right," I said. "He's your godfather?" He asked. "Yep, even if you just fought him I'm still proud to say he is," I said and we ran off. "HOLY SHIT!" Peter yelled as someone I didn't recognize became huge and grabbed Rhodey.

"Who is this guy Jarvis?" I asked. No answer. "Aidan Fridays in your suit now," Dad said. "Oh, Friday who is this?" I asked as I threw a fire ball. "Scott Lang also known as Ant-Man Ms. Stark," Friday said. "Why he is he gigantic?" I asked. "His suit is full of pym particles," "Shit," I said. "Give me back my Rhodey," Dad said.

I saw Buck and Steve running off I flew after them. I got ahead of them and waited next to Nat. "You're not gonna stop," Nat said. "You know I can't," Cap said. I ran over and hugged them both as fast as I could. "I'm gonna regret this," Nat said and blasted the new guy. Still don't know his name.

"Go," Nat and I both said. They ran and I put my hand up and shot a fireball and Nat shot an electric shock. (girl bye idk wtf it's called)

I ran out and saw Peter on the ground. I ran over and kneeled down. "Kid you alright?" Dad asked and Peter tried to punch him. "Oh same side," He said. "Guess who hi! it's me," "Oh hey man," Peter said. "That was scary." He said. "Yeah you're done," Dad said. "What?" I asked. "What no! I gotta get him back," Peter said. "You're going home I'll call aunt May," Dad said. "Mr. Stark no i'm not done, ok ok i'm done," Peter said.

"Sorry Peter," I said. "It's ok," He said. "I can talk to him or something," I said not really knowing what to say. Jordyn ran over to Peter and looked at me. "What happened?" She asked. "Your new guys giant hand hit him so now he's done," I said. "I'm so sorry Pete are you ok?" she asked him. "I will be," He said. "I gotta go Peter I'll call you when things die down," I said when Friday notified me to go find my dad.

I flew to him and saw Rhodey on the ground unconscious.

sorry this chapter was lokey hard to write so if it's confusing tell me lol.

(Word count: 1,074)

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