~I had a dream

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Aidan's pov

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Aidan's pov

"Up come on," Pietro said dragging me out of bed. "Why?" I asked. "Just listen to me," He said. We walked into the living room and Dad was sitting there talking to Harley. "Harley Keener," I said and ran over and hugged him. I sat down next to him and wondered why he was here.

"So what're you doing here?" I asked. "Ouch," Harley replied. "That's not what I meant," I said and we laughed. "I just figured I haven't seen you all in awhile so I came to visit," He said. "Ah I see," I said and saw Peter and Jordyn walk in.

I could see Peters face wash over with confusion and jealousy. I smirked. I got up and walked over to him. "Peter this is Harley he's like my older brother, Harley this is my uh my Peter," I said and Pietro laughed so I punched him in the arm.

"Nice to meet you Aidan's Peter," Harley said standing up and shook his hand. "You too," Peter replied. "That's Jordyn, she's Peters sister and Pietro's girlfriend," I said. "Nice to meet you as well," Harley said. "Yeah you too," She said and she and Pietro were off somewhere in the tower.

"Hey kid are you here to train?" Dad asked Peter. "Well uh no but I can train if you want me too I was actually here to see if Aidan could uhm hangout but I-," "Pete he was kidding," I interrupted. "How long are you gonna be here Harley?" I asked. "Probably most of today," He said. "Can I go hangout with Peter for a little bit then come back?" I asked. "Sure," Dad said and me and Peter began walking to my room.

"Are they dating?" Harley asked my dad. "No but i'm sure they will," Dad said and I smiled as we walked inside my room. "Door stays open!" Dad yelled. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked. "Uhh I don't know I didn't think that far ahead," He said and I laughed. Pietro and Jordyn then walked in.

"You guys need something to do?" Jordyn asked. "Yeah," Peter and I both said. "We had an idea that we could make a sort of ehm obstacle course for each of our powers and race to see who finishes the fastest," Pietro said. "Pietro you have super speed," I said and he smiled.

"That's why it's an obstacle course, things will get in our way," Jordyn said. "I'm in if you are," I said and Peter nodded. We all four walked through the kitchen to get to the elevator. "What are you scheming?" Mom asked walking in with Morgan.

"We're making an obstacle course designed specifically for all of us," I said. "Oh that's actually a good idea," Dad said joining in. "Maybe I should help," He added. "Well we're racing each-other it's not a project of yours," I said. "I am hurt," He joked holding his chest. "You'll be ok," I said smiling and we went down to the lab.

After like an hour of us all designing one another's courses we were done. I designed Pietros and Pietro designed mine since we know each other better and Jordyn and Peter designed one another's.

"Ok so should we have Friday count down or something?" I asked. "Yeah," They all said. "Miss Stark, your father said to remind you and Mr. Maximoff about the banquet tonight," Friday said. " forgot about that," Pietro said. "Nobody will be in the lab it's fine," I said and they nodded.

We all got on our suits/jackets and went to the starting line of our courses. Pietro was stretching his legs and I laughed. "Ready?" Jordyn asked. "Ready," Peter said. "Let's rock this bitch," I said. "Hold it!" Dad said he and Harley walking in. "What?" I asked. "I wanna watch," He said and I laughed. " ready set go!" Friday said and we all started.

I was half way through when it felt like something take over me. All I could see were flashes of stones like the one in Visions head. Then I saw the guy in my dreams that was big and purple. "I understand my child, better than anyone" He said and reversed time and killed Vision. I fell to the ground and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"What happened?" Dad asked running over. "Dad I don't know what's happening but it's not gonna be good," I said and Pietro helped me up as I leaned on him as my head was still spinning. "Pietro it was one of those dreams," I said. "In the middle of the day?" he asked.  "You better tell me what the hell is going on," Dad said.

Pietro grabbed a chair and I sat down. "I've been having these dreams that are really vivid and real, I haven't had one in awhile but I just had one I don't know if you can call it a dream though," I said. "What are they about?" He asked. "Well this one was about these stones, like the one in Visions head, there are 5 others besides Visions and this guy he's as big as the Hulk but he's purple," I said.

"What does he want?" He asked. "I think he wants the stones," I said. "These could just be dreams though right?" Peter asked. "I hope so," Dad and I said in unison. "What have the other dreams been about?" Dad asked. I didn't want to tell him I saw him die. "One of them Peter disappeared in one of them The purple guy said I am inevitable I don't know there's been a lot," I said.

"So you're dreaming about Peter?" Pietro asked trying to lighten the mood. I gave him a small smile and laughed slightly. "Can I get an aspirin or something?" I asked and everyone laughed.

• • •

"Peter is going to the banquet as your date," Dad said poking his head into my room. "Uh you asked him to be MY date?" I asked and he nodded. I just laughed. "Alright then," I said. "Be ready in 20 minutes the guests will arrive soon," He said. "Got it," I said and he walked out.

Hey hunny bunnies! the banquet will be the beginning of the next chapter bc i'm lazy and don't wanna put it in this chapter.

(word count: 1,067)

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