~tongue tied

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Aidan's pov

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Aidan's pov

I was walking closely behind my dad when we walked into a room with a bunch of cells. All I could think about is I hope Pietro and Wanda aren't in one. I then heard clapping and we turned to see Clint.

"The futurist gentlemen! the futurist is here! he sees all, he knows what's best for you...whether you like it or not," he said. "give me a break Barton I had no idea they'd put you in here," Dad said. "yeah well you knew they'd put us somewhere Tony," He replied.

"Yeah but not some super max floaty ocean pokey this place is for maniacs," "Cant you just like, pay to get them out? I'd like my best friend back," I interrupted pointing to Pietro cell. "I'll do what I can," Dad said and I went and sat next to Pietro's cell.

"You know, if you didn't beat me in that fight I wouldn't be in here," Pietro said. "Weeeellll," I said. "Shut up," He said. "I'm gonna do something I might regret," He said and I tilted my head in confusion. "Hey Parker!" He yelled. "What?" she yelled from her cell. "Oh no," Wanda and I both said.

"Wanna be MY sight to see?" He yelled to her. "We're in jail you know that right?" She yelled back. "Yes or no?" He yelled. "Yes," She yelled rolling her eyes. "When did he became an even bigger dumb ass?" Wanda asked. "Don't ask me I'm still wondering too," I said. "Aidan let's go now," Dad said.

"Get me out of here," Wanda begged. "I'll do what I can," I said and ran to my dad looking back at them all sadly. Clint glaring at us as we left. "What did you say to Clint?" I asked. "Nothing," He said and we got into the chopper.

• • •

"Peter you in there?" I asked knocking on his bedroom door. "He might be asleep," May said just as the door opened and Peter knew why I was there. "Come in," He said opening the door wider so I could walk in. I sat on the bottom bunk and he sat next to me.

"They're all in jail cells," I said sighing. "What do you mean jail cells?" he asked. "I don't know how to explain it but my dad and I are working on getting them out," I replied. "Jordyn too?" he asked and I nodded as he lowered his head. "What do I tell May?" He asked and I could tell he was about to cry by the crack in his voice.

I'm terrible with emotion. "Just say she is having a girls night with Wanda," I said and he sighed and looked up at me. He had a tear running down his right cheek. With my left hand I wiped it away and we both stared at each other.

Not knowing what came over me I leaned in quickly and kissed him then immediately pulled away. "Oh god, I'm so terrible you're crying and I just," I started but was interrupted by lips connecting with mine. I put my hand on his cheek and the other on the back of his neck. After we pulled away I was acting shy which I NEVER do and our foreheads rested on one another's.

"Hey guys dinners ready if you-" May said then saw that our foreheads were together and we immediately jumped apart. "Uhm yeah," Peter said scratching his head. We sat at the table and ate the food. "Thanks for the dinner it was wonderful," I said.

"Of course," May said smiling. "I should get going," I said after checking my phone. Rhodey was asking for me. "I'll take you home," Peter said and I just nodded. "Thanks again May!" I said and she smiled as we walked out.

"Where are you actually going?" he asked after closing the door. "Hospital to see Rhodey," I said and held his hand out for me. I took it and he swung us to the hospital. "Oh by the way, your sister and Pietro are now dating," I said. "Since they are we-," "No," I interrupted and he laughed. "Like I said, I'm not that easy," I said. "That's not what it seemed like earlier," He said and I playfully shoved him.

"I should go see Rhodey now," I said. "Be safe," I said and kissed his cheek then ran inside. I found Rhodey talking with my Dad. "Hey look who decided to come join," Rhodey said. "How you feeling?" I said walking up to his bedside.

"Okay, you?" he asked. "why you asking me?" I asked. "Your best friends and uncle are in jail," He replied. "They'll be ok," I said. "How do you know?" He asked. "I just do," I said. We talked until we had to go home. I walked into the house and went to my room. I walked in my room and flicked on the light to see Peter standing there with flowers. I immediately smiled.

"You know Parker, you're making this very hard to say no to you," I said setting down my jacket and walking over to him. "That was the plan," He replied handing me the flowers. I smelled them and smiled. I set them down as he took my hands.

"Will you please go on a date with me?" He asked. I pretended to stroke my non-existent beard. "I think that I can work something out," I said and he smiled. I smiled back at him and we were about to kiss when someone tapped my leg. I looked down to see Morgan.

"Is he your boyfriend now?" She asked as I picked her up. "He better not be," Dads voice said. "No," I said. "not yet," I said under my breath and Peter definitely heard me because he smirked. "Sneaking into my daughters room Pete?" Dad asked. "N-no of course n-not," Peter stuttered, tongue tied.

I laughed. "Go Pete he's kidding," I said. "Text me the details got it?" I whispered in his ear and he nodded. Dad looked away so I kissed his cheek then he walked out.

I sat down with Morgan in my lap and grabbed the flowers next me. Morgan smelled them. "I'm going on a date with him soon, once everything is better though," I said. "Before you object, PLEASE?" I begged. "Only because I know him, come on Mo let's go it's passed your bedtime," Dad said taking her hand. "I love you 3,000 Aidan," Morgan said. "Wow, 3,000? That's a lot. I love you 3,000 too Mo," I said and kissed her head as they walked out.

Hey hunny bunnies, I hope you like this chapter i loved writing it! if you want me to change anything honestly tell me and I can.

(word count: 1,144)

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