Chapter Two

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The road to Agate hugged close to the Aster Mountains. On their left, the plateaus cast undulating shadows across the landscape. The larger peaks were farther off in the distance, past the foothills. From her studies, Leilandri knew there was a dormant volcano nestled somewhere in the range. It had shaped this region, giving some areas rich soil and others hardened lava flows. On their right, sprawled an empty plain, dotted with boulders and brittle grasses.

Rocks riddled the soil. Elleric was watching the horses for signs of limping, while Leilandri thought of the swift riders of the Kings' Army. They would struggle to sweep through the region. The cavalry would be lame in half a day if they weren't careful. There were reasons most Northerners avoided this area, and why the kings ignored it.

It wasn't unlivable. Some groves flourished around rivers. Even the towns had found ways of cultivating farmland, but it wasn't enough. It would take more resources for Andaria to tame the land than it would offer up in return.

Still, Leilandri saw something else. Towns were free of the ravages of war. Local councils did not dally in the politics of the Kings. The people were fierce and independent. They had no master but the land itself. There was something simple and focused about the pace of life in this region that tugged at her. It made a part of her ache that she didn't understand.

When the sun was at its warmest, Elleric took them off the road and into the plateaus. He glanced over his shoulder. "I hear water ahead. The horses need a rest."

The trail he found led to a small grove of dense trees, where a stream trickled down from the mountains. The sun made dancing patterns, sparkling and glittering over the pebbles.

Leilandri let her mount drink next to Elleric's. She dug out dried meat and a chunk of bread and handed him some. "This is a lovely spot for a rest."

Tori jumped down next to them, curious about some hoofprints in the streambed.

"It's deeper than it looks," Elleric said.

Tori scoffed. "It's not my first stream."

He scowled and knelt to splash some water on his face.

Tori leaned closer. Among the deer prints, she saw something that looked like a human boot. It wasn't a boot like the villagers wear. It was soft and flat on the bottom.

She followed the mysterious tracks away from the stream to a small campfire with glowing embers. She stood up and waved the others over.

"Looks like we disturbed someone," Tori whispered. "Might be nearby."

Elleric drew his sword and hunched low. Seconds later, something whizzed through the trees. Elleric cried out, grabbed his neck, and fell onto his knees. He gaped at Leilandri before toppling forward onto his face.

"Elleric!" Tori shrieked. She dug into one of her vest pockets and threw something into the hot coals. Blue smoke came billowing out in thick clouds, obscuring everything. As the fog covered them, Tori dropped to her knees and crawled over to Leilandri. She was cradling Elleric's head in her lap.

"Is he dead?" Tori gasped.

"No, just asleep." She held up a small dart.

Tori examined it. "There is a purple residue on it." She sniffed it. "Smells like berry juice."

Leilandri dabbed at a cut on his brow with her sleeve. "How long will this cover last?"

"Only a few minutes, depending on the wind."

"We don't know what we will find. We need to wake him up." Leilandri lightly slapped Elleric's cheek, but he responded with a deep snore.

"I might have something." The redhead reached into another pouch and pulled out a small stick. As soon as she brought it out, Leilandri gagged from the smell.

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