Chapter Nine

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The people were impossibly quiet, waiting for the blessing ceremony. As Oda-Ma-He stood, even the wind in the trees stilled.

"As we know all too well," he began. "Our last blessing ceremony was for a journey none of us wanted to take. A great evil forced us from our beloved home.

"We lost too many before we finally left the stone walls of our city. We traveled days to be here in the sanctuary of the forest. Our summer camps divide us and yet keep us safe."

The Zul-Li hugged each other, some wiping away tears of grief.

"We didn't know how long the evil would last, so we left with a heavy heart. We mourned for those we lost to the great sickness. We mourned for the soldiers we left behind to guard our walls. And, we mourned for our children who may not grow up in our ancient home."

He paused, letting the pain of what they had been through wash over them.

"But today we celebrate hope." His voice grew louder. "Tomorrow, we send brave souls into the forbidden mountains. They will stop the evil that has plagued us."

A cheer went through the crowd.

"We must give them every chance to succeed. I call them up here so that I might bless their journey."

Tol-aka led them forward, weaving through benches. One by one, they stepped inside the stone ring. The heat in the fire touched their faces, tightening their skin.

Oda-Ma-He arranged them so that they were standing side by side, facing the crowd.

He looked at the Seekers. "I will now read your pattern and give you wisdom. If you heed it, it will bless you on your journey."

Oda-Ma-He walked over to his son and put his hands on both of his shoulders. He closed his eyes and began to hum. As father and son stood together, Elleric noticed the wind was starting to pick up.

After a few more minutes, Oda-Ma-He stepped back.

"As always, I am proud of you. You have an important thread woven into the pattern. As you experience the trials ahead, remember everything you have learned. The Zul-Li ways have prepared you. You are ready." His voice was soft and carried no farther than the first row of the council.

"When you face a difficult decision, remember to follow your heart." He placed an aged hand on his son's chest. "You know the truth. Do not turn away from what your heart tells you, even if it is different than what your mind tells you."

Tol-Aka squared his shoulders. "Thank you, father."

Next, he walked over to Tori. "May I take your hands, daughter?" Tori put her tiny hands in his. They stood with their eyes closed, as Tori's lashes fluttered.

Oda-Ma-He stepped back. "I see what your mother has taught you to fear." Tori bit her lip. "There is nothing to be afraid of. It is safe to be who you are." He squeezed her hands and continued. "Your companions need you more than you realize. Use what you have learned, and do not doubt yourself. When the occasion comes, leap. He will be there to catch you."

A tear glistened in her eye as she nodded.

Elleric stiffened. He didn't want his past read like a book. Before he could protest, Oda-Ma-He was in front of him, clasping his shoulders. As they stood, the wind began tugging at the walls.

When Oda-Ma-He opened his eyes, he said, "There is still hope. If someone tells you there is no rainbow, it is because they are blind. When they regain their sight, they will also see the colors. Trust yourself. You have the gift of clear vision."

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