Chapter Seven

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The Seekers spent the day gathering supplies for their journey. A-Taka-Shay gave Tori dried meats, nuts, and some breakfast bread. She wrapped them in a cloth Tori hadn't seen before. It was coated in a wax that softened when A-Taka-Shay warmed it in her hands. She folded it around the food to seal it tight. When the cloth cooled, it formed a hard shell that fascinated Tori. She turned it over and over in her hands, wanting to know how it was made. A-Taka-Shay answered her eager questions in Zul-Li, using hand gestures when Tori didn't understand.

Elleric spent the afternoon with Tol-Aka in the stables. They checked hooves and gear with the precision of men who traveled often. When they were done, they walked to the well to fill water bottles. On their way back, they joined a group of children playing games. Elleric felt himself laughing for the first time in ages.

Leilandri stayed behind to pack and clean their room. The pattern was humming with life in the camp. It swirled around her in a way she had never felt before - not even in Nazar. She found herself sitting on the edge of the bed, drifting in and out of the energy.

The companions reunited late in the afternoon. As they chatted about their day, there was a soft knock at the door. Elleric put his hand on his sword as Leilandri opened it.

Tori recognized the visitor instantly. It was the woman standing in the shadows the night they had arrived, the one watching over Tol-Aka's sisters.

"Please come in." Leilandri opened the door wider. The woman entered with a natural grace, carrying boxes in her arms. Her features were delicate yet strong.

Elleric shot to his feet. "Let me help you."

She nodded gratefully as he took the packages.

"My name is Mei-Li Eda Ha. Please forgive my language. My words are not as good as Tol-Aka." She motioned to the packages. "I brought gifts to welcome you."

Tori stepped forward. "Welcome, Mei-Li. My name is Tori."

The woman smiled shyly at her. "I know." She pointed to Tori's hair. "Tol-Aka told me it was like the sun.

"Oh?" Tori flushed a deep red, as she touched her curls.

Leilandri turned to the woman. "I'm Leilandri, and this is my companion Elleric. We are pleased to meet you, Mei-Li. Won't you sit with us?" She pulled a chair closer to the table where Elleric had stacked the gifts.

Mei-Li dug through her packages and handed one to each companion before sitting. "I wanted to welcome you sooner, but I was not allowed to come until the council made its judgment." She gestured to the gifts. "Please."

Leilandri opened hers first and found a long dress in the style of the Zul-Li. She held it up and admired the beautiful ivory fabric. There was also a necklace of white gold. She had seen a few of the women wearing similar pieces of jewelry.

"Thank you, I will cherish these." Leilandri clutched them to her chest. These were not gifts emphasizing their wealth or standing, as was the custom in Andaria. These were gifts of belonging.

Elleric opened his package to find a royal blue vest, like Tol-Aka's. Underneath it was a white shirt. He knew blue was the color of House Eagle, the color of Tol-Aka's family. "Thank you," he said quietly, running his thumb over the fabric. It was the softest leather he had ever felt.

Tori's package held a dress of the same color and style as Leilandri's. Instead of a necklace, there were two golden hair combs with pearl handles. "These are lovely," she gasped in a dreamy voice, holding them to the light to see the shimmer of the pearl.

Mei-Li smiled at the companions. "I am glad you like them. They are for tonight."

Leilandri put her hand on her heart. "We will wear them with honor," she said as they admired their gifts.

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