Chapter Sixteen

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The silence between Leilandri and Elleric had become noticeable. It felt strange to be walking with him to visit Flame. When he asked her if she wanted to go, she had said yes out of habit. As they crossed the town center, she heard the crunch of their shoes and the faint gurgle of the fountain.

He wasn't returning to Nazar with her.

The thought kept flooding her mind. She knew Nazar meant more to her, but she couldn't imagine life without him. She wanted to say something to make things right between them. She tried to say something to set him free, to set them both free, but the words stuck in her throat.

For a few heart-stopping moments, she considered what it would be like to stay in the Zul-Li city. The thought vanished quickly. Who would take over Nazar? Leilandri knew the dangers if the wrong person assumed power. A weak leader would allow the Kings too much influence. An inattentive one might let the Dark Weavers grow unchecked, and an arrogant one would control the Weavers and their magic.

Lysander wasn't perfect, but she worked hard to be fair and strong. She had been imparting all her wisdom and experience. So much rested on Leilandri's shoulders now.

Leilandri knew she couldn't ask Elleric to stay if he didn't want to. But, knowing he wouldn't be somewhere in the halls of her beloved city while she governed Nazar, made her ache.

They reached the stable. The soft shuffle of the horses greeted them as they entered. They carefully opened Flame's stall; his nostrils quivered with excitement as he smelled Elleric. Leilandri stood by his head, stroking him as Elleric checked the sore on his flank.

"Looking good, old boy," he murmured. Elleric led him around to watch his gait. He must have liked what he saw because he scratched him behind the ears.

They didn't move to leave once Flame was back in his stall. Instead, Leilandri scuffed the dirt with her boot. "Elleric-" she started.

He immediately put a finger to his lips and pointed up at the loft. Leilandri glanced around, confused.

"Jena," he called. "Are you up there?"

There was a muffled response before the young girl popped her head through the rails, straw stuck in her hair. "Is it morning?" She blinked several times.

"Yes, it is," Elleric replied. Leilandri could hear the amusement in his voice.

"I must have fallen asleep waiting for Amira to come home." She yawned and tried to run her fingers through her tangled hair.

Elleric didn't respond. He was frozen in panic, staring at something behind Leilandri's shoulder. Turning, she saw a large mountain lion in the doorway. Its golden coat glistened in the morning sun. It was leveling a stern gaze at her.

In one fluid motion, Elleric pulled Leilandri behind him and began reaching for his sword.

"Stop!" Jena shouted.

She scrambled down the ladder, falling from the last two rungs into a heap at their feet. Running over to the lion, she threw her arms around it. "What are you doing! This is Amira."

Elleric paused, his sword half drawn.

Leilandri put a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok, Elleric."

He sheathed his sword. "Sorry, Jena. I didn't know."

Jena turned and hugged the cat, burying her head in her fur. Amira sat down obediently, pushing her full weight into the girl. "You were gone all night." Jena fretted. "I was so worried."

Amira started to purr, filling the stables with the loud vibration. Jena's hair was the same golden color as Amira. When they were wrapped around each other, it was hard to tell where one stopped, and the other started.

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