Chapter Eighteen

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Leilandri stumbled more than once. Her mind was racing. The pitted and worn stone appeared far older than anything in the Zul-Li city. She was sure of it, and yet there was nothing older than the Zul-Li in any history book she had ever read. Ferran Bren mentioned nothing in his world histories. There wasn't anything in the ancient tomes of Nazar's vast library. The cave was a relic of something that pre-dated all known history, and yet it was somehow connected to the Zul-Li.

As they rushed to get back, she knew she would have to contemplate it later. If Grady was the Dark Weaver that they suspected her of being, it was time to focus. The fate of the region rested on their shoulders. If they failed to stop her, the people of the Aster Mountains and the Zul-Li would both suffer.

She glanced over at Elleric. He had been silent since they left the grove, his eyes unfocused and distant. She nudged him as they walked. They both needed to be sharp. He acknowledged her meaning with a slight bow of his head.

When they reached the house, the activity was already bustling. The table had a crisp tablecloth and a vase of wildflowers in the center. They were exquisitely pretty for this time of year.

Leilandri squinted at the place settings. The dishes were arranged in perfect Andarian banquet style, the kind she might see in Nazar during Winter Court.

She saw a pair of brown eyes studying her reaction. Grady was dressed in a plain brown skirt and blouse. It was a style characteristic of the area. Her hair was in a loose bun, with stray hairs fluttering around her face.

"Oh, I'm so glad you've made it!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together and walking over to them. "You must be Leilandri! I saw you admiring my table settings - nothing but the best for our guests." She was beaming ear to ear, a hidden challenge in her tone.

Leilandri looked at the table again, wide-eyed. "Oh? I hadn't noticed." Her voice was high and sweet. "I was admiring the flowers. It's unusual to find flowers that are so bright and colorful this time of year."

Grady's smile stayed on her face a second too long. She turned back to the kitchen, saying over her shoulder, "Jeremiah found those for me. He's a true gentleman."

Jeremiah sat at his place at the table, brushing off the vest he was wearing, "Well, now, I do try."

Grady called to them from the kitchen. "Dinner is almost ready if you want to sit down."

The smell in the air made Leilandri's stomach growl. She tried to hide the sound with her hand. She could smell bread and stew. She was famished from the hike but knew better than to eat Grady's food.

Tol-Aka and Tori were already sitting, chatting quietly together. They smiled warmly at her from across the table. From Tori's expression, she had figured something out about the traps. Leilandri wouldn't have expected anything less and smiled to herself. There were no words for how she would miss the fiery redhead if she stayed with Tol-Aka after the mission.

When Grady returned, she carried steaming bowls of stew. The thick brown gravy had chunks of carrots, potatoes, and some kind of meat. The smell nearly undid Leilandri. She squeezed her stomach tighter to prevent it from growling. Grady returned with a wooden platter. On top, sat a steaming loaf of bread and a bowl of freshly churned butter.

Elleric looked at Leilandri pleadingly. She smiled but shook her head. They both knew it was a bad idea to indulge.

"Dinner is served, please help yourselves." Grady motioned to the food as she took her seat next to Jeremiah.

Jena was the first to move. They watched her smother butter over a piece of bread and munch on it happily.

"So," Grady chirped, "tell us more about yourself. Jeremiah said you were from Jasper. About what parts?" She leaned in.

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