Chapter Eight

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Leilandri and Elleric had just returned with food when they heard drums somewhere in the distance. A hush came over the crowd. People began gathering their children and taking their seats.

Leilandri searched for Tori and saw her sitting on the benches next to Mei-Li. She held one of Tol-Aka's sisters on her lap, who was whispering something into her ear.

The beating of the drums grew louder. It sounded to Leilandri like the marching drums of the Kings' Army, and she felt Elleric stiffen beside her. Zul-Li began turning in their seats to face the dance floor, craning their necks.

A line of drummers marched in from the edges of the darkness. Their faces were half-covered by shadows. Each drummer wore a drum around their neck and carried mallets with colorful tassels that fluttered when they struck a note. They raised their arms one by one, and let them crash down in unison, sending waves throughout the crowd.

Coming to a halt, the drummers raised both hands for the final, resounding note. It rang out into the cool night air, and Leilandri could feel the vibrations in her chest.

The crowd remained silent, waiting.

After a few seconds, the drummers broke out into a rousing song. Their arms were a flurry of beats. From the shadows, dancers came running out, shouting and brandishing colorful sticks in the air. They wove in and around each other, making tight circles on the dance floor.

Leilandri gasped when she saw one of the dancers was Tol-Aka. She looked over to Tori, who was flushed with excitement. The dancers had harsh grimaces on their faces as they danced. They all wore their white shirts without vests, the collars open, and their bare chests glistened in the firelight.

The drummers began a new song as the dancers formed themselves into two long rows. They twirled and clapped to the music in what sounded like a war dance. It was punctuated with stomping and a few melodic shouts. The music finally crescendoed into a final climax of drum and voice. The dancers punched the air with their sticks, yelling out the last note together.

The crowd erupted into cheers but soon grew quiet when a new sound emerged. It was a low, mournful note. The drummers receded into the dark. In their place, three musicians with stringed instruments stepped forward. The low note was joined by a sweeter sound. It made Leilandri think of spring and fields full of wildflowers. From the shadows emerged Zul-Li in cream dresses that glinted in the night air. Their arms were bare without their robes, and they carried colorful sashes that fluttered behind them. They walked gracefully onto the dance floor, weaving themselves in and among the dancers until each one was standing by a partner. The music ended with a high, clear note.

Once the dancers were in place, the music began again. They danced together with fluid, simple steps. Leilandri saw Elleric tapping his toe in beat with the music. As the song began to end, the dancers twirled in circles, their sashes flowing behind them in a blur of color. It was a beautiful performance. The crowd clapped for a long time as the dancers and musicians bowed.

Tol-Aka strode over to them, buttoning his shirt and putting his vest on. Elleric stood up to clasp him on the back. "You have many talents."

"Thank you." Tol-Aka was pleased with the compliment. "Now, you must join us for a community dance."

"Ha!" Elleric exclaimed. "Not even Leilandri's magic could get me on that dance floor."

Tol-Aka leaned in. "What about Leilandri herself? She might enjoy dancing." Before Elleric could reply, Tol-Aka winked and walked over to Tori. He extended his arm to her. Elleric couldn't hear what they were saying, but Tori beamed as Tol-Aka led her to the dance floor.

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