Chapter 1

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"Boys! Are you awake yet?" Philza yelled from downstairs, earning himself groans from the second floor of the house. "Don't groan at me! You were the one's insisting to watch the Quidditch Cup!"

Tommy, who was laying on his bed, rose up and stared at the other two people in his bedroom. On the extra bed on the floor was Ranboo while on the hammock lied Tubbo, still swinging. "Ey," Tommy nudged Ranboo's leg with his foot, "Ranboo, wake up," he yawned.

"Yeah, yeah," Ranboo said, "I'm up." He proceeds to cover his head with the covers.

"I knew it was a bad thing to stay up 'til one hour before we have to wake up," Tubbo mumbled. 

"Well, if you're not getting up, good luck on trying to get the bathroom," Tommy said as he went out of his room to go to the bathroom. When he spotted Wilbur about to reach for the doorknob, he rushed. 

"Move, bitch!" Tommy pushed the door open then locked it behind him.

"Tommy, you fucker! Get out of there!" Wilbur pounded on the door. 

"Can you guys shut up," Technoblade said as he walked out of his room, heading for the stairs.

When Techno got to the leaving room, he sees Phil cooking breakfast, "Morning, mate," Phil greeted. 

"Morning," Techno grumbled, taking a seat on the table. "Can we just not take them with us?" 

"And what? Waste the tickets? Do you know how much those cost?" Phil asked.

"Aren't you a VIP who got your tickets free and can even bring guests?" Techno asked back.

"Yes, but you get my point."

"Phil!" Tommy whined as he walked down the stairs. "Wilbur's bullying me again."

"I am not bullying you!" Wilbur's voice came from upstairs.

"You kept messing with the lights, you prick!"

Eventually, everyone made it to the dining room, some already dressed—Phil, Tommy and WIlbur—while some just woke up—Techno, Tubbo and Ranboo. They had a quick breakfast and those who weren't ready, got to work while Phil, Tommy and Wilbur waited for them outside. 

"Is anyone else gonna meet up with us at the Portkey?" Wilbur asked.

Phil hummed, "I think Punz's dad mentioned his son was going to the game with another kid who came from Durmstrang. So, yeah, other than them, no one else really."


"You again," Tommy glared at the kid in front of him.

"Oh, hello, Tommy," the guy said with an unamused tone.

"Purpled," Tommy greeted. "What the hell are you doing here?" 

"It's the Quidditch Cup, what do you mean?" Purpled asked, before realization struck him, "Are you actually still bitter about the Broomstick Servicing Kit Incident?" 

"Come on kids, enough bickering, the Portkey is gonna leave soon," Phil called for everyone. They all gathered around the plant pot and held onto it. They were sent into a swirl before dropping down to where the venue is. 

Tommy got his balance back before glaring at Purpled before looking at Punz, "Why are you with him, Punz?"

Punz raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm with some Quidditch Teams' that are roaming around trying to find recruits. It just so happens that Purpled here is getting recruited by the same team as mine so I'm keeping an eye on him before we meet them at the venue."

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