Part 1- The Beginning

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List of Characters, Houses, Year Level
(If you came from the one-shot book, keep in mind that they are a year older now, so some characters have graduated Hogwarts and are in the "Others" section)

Sapnap (6th Year) Muggleborn
Quackity (6th Year) Muggleborn
Jack (6th Year) Half-blood
Skeppy (7th Year) Half-blood

Tommy (5th Year) Muggleborn
Ranboo (5th Year) Half-blood
Karl (6th Year) Half-blood
Antfrost (6th Year) Half-blood
Niki (6th Year) Half-blood

Tubbo (5th Year) Half-blood
Fundy (6th Year) Half-blood
Technoblade (7th Year) Pureblood

Dream (7th Year) Pureblood
Wilbur (7th Year) Pureblood

Phil (Auror, Slytherin) Half-blood
Schlatt (Magic Ministry, Slytherin) Half-blood
Callahan (Magic Ministry, Ravenclaw) Muggleborn
Eret (Magic Ministry, Hufflepuff) Half-blood
BBH (Ghost, Hufflepuff) Half-blood
Ponk (Healer, Durmstrang) Half-blood

Punz (Quidditch Player, Gryffindor) Half-blood
George (Potioneer, Ravenclaw) Pureblood
Sam (Auror, Ravenclaw) Muggleborn

Puffy (7th Year, Durmstrang) Half-blood
Foolish (6th Year, Durmstrang) Half-blood
Purpled (5th Year, Durmstrang) Muggleborn

Drista (4th Year, Beauxbatons) Pureblood
Lani (3rd Year, Beauxbatons) Half-blood

Bonus (Cameos):
Scott (Ministry of Magic, Hufflepuff) Half-blood
Grian (Quidditch Player, Slytherin) Half-blood
Wisp (Quidditch Player, Gryffindor) Half-blood

List Incomplete, Will be Updated as the Story Goes

Dark Era (Hogwarts AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora