Chapter 8

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Tubbo separated from Ranboo, and instead of going up to the Ravenclaw common room, he headed towards the Great Hall. He approached the double doors when he heard someone whisper his name.

"Tubbo," Fundy called him from behind a statue.

Tubbo made a 'come here' gesture. "Come on, it's safe."

Fundy took a look around, before walking out in the open, "What took you so long man? I've almost been caught, like, three times!" He hissed.

Tubbo shrugged, "Hey, you being a shit hider ain't my fault," he said before pushing the Great Hall's doors open, just a small bit enough for him and Fundy to slip through. Tubbo closed the door once they were inside, only for it to make a loud creaking noise.

"Shh!" Fundy reprimanded.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Tubbo asked, facing the door, "Shh!" He told the thing before looking back at Fundy who had an unamused look. Tubbo let out a small chuckle, gesturing for them to continue.

"Now if I were a goblet, where would the headmaster put me?" Fundy muttered, looking around. He had doubts that it;s just going to be out in the open, so he walked towards the table where the professors sit, and called Tubbo over. "I think it's in here," he said, showing Tubbo the passage—well, it was more of a storage room really, but a passage nonetheless.

The two of them entered and were met with a bunch of unused chairs, tables, and other furniture, "There!" Tubbo exclaimed, pointing to a corner which quite frankly is the cleanest in the whole room.

They stood in front of the goblet before nudging each other.

"You go," Tubbo nudged.

"No, you go," Fundy nudged back.

"Why should I?"

"I don't know, but I shouldn't. I was the one who felt that its vibes was off,"

"Yeah, well, this was my idea."

"Exactly!" Fundy exclaimed, accidentally nudging too hard, making Tubbo topple over. "Sorry," he let out a nervous laugh, helping Tubbo stand up.

"Alright, fine, I'll do it," Tubbo said, readying himself to approach. He faced Fundy once more, with a serious face, "If I don't make it out alive, tell Ranboo he has to pay for my funeral, Tommy has to whip and nae nae on my grave, and all my belongings go to Michael."

Fundy scrunched his face, "Whip and what now??"

"Goodbye!" Tubbo saluted, before going over to the goblet making Fundy roll his eyes at him. Tubbo stood on the tips of his toes, peeking inside the goblet.

"It looks alright," he said. The goblet's inside looks just how you would expect it. Hollow. "I mean, apart from the rust, it looks good," Tubbo said.

Fundy frowned, approaching the goblet, "Really?" He had an odd feeling about the thing and his senses are never wrong. He didn't get straight Os in Divination for nothing. He looked inside and just as Tubbo said, it looked like a goblet...apart from the reddish color that was spreading from the bottom. They should really invest in a new goblet. Fundy thought, sighing.

Tubbo sighed, "I was really expecting an adventure of sorts, not rust."

"Well, I'd rather it be rust, than a monster," Fundy shrugged. "C'mon, it's late. I don't want to be trying to solve a riddle at night," he sighed, walking back to the main area.

Tubbo hummed, giving the goblet a last glance before following Fundy.


"You look like shit," Tommy said as soon as he had sat down by the Hufflepuff table.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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