Chapter 6

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October 31st. 

The students from the other schools were arriving today, and more importantly, "It's Halloween, fuckers!" Tubbo exclaimed, dumping a huge wad of sweets onto the Hufflepuff table. 

Ranboo frowned, "This can't be healthy," he commented. 

"Stop being a bitch, Ranboob," Tommy reprimanded. 

"It has gummy worms," Tubbo pointed out, gesturing to the multiple packs on the table. 

Ranboo snatched them from the pile, "Finally, some good freaking candy."

They shared the candy with some other people in the Hufflepuff table, some wondering why they would bring sweets when there are deserts everywhere. Their lively celebration however, was interrupted by a booming voice. 

"Good evening students!" The headmaster greeted, "as you must know, the other schools are arriving today for the Tri Wizard Tournament. I expect everyone to present their best behaviors," he said, staring down few specific people among the crowd, "and to treat them with respect so that they will enjoy their stay.

That said, why don't we make the Great Hall more...welcoming!" He raised his wand and decorated the hall Halloween themed. Jack-o-lanterns all around, smiling down at them, bats screeching, cobwebs over their heads and under their tables, and the general colors of the room switching to orange colors. 

"I don't get how we're supposed to be more welcoming, we're literally witches and wizards," Tubbo started, "pretty Halloweeny for muggles I'd say, I mean—"

Tubbo was interrupted by the ground rumbling. Looking out the window, the students can see the source of the rumbling. The Lake was sending out ripples and slowly a giant ship emerges from the waters, a flag with the Durmstrang logo waving on the flag post.

Students rushed out to meet them, despite the professors calls.

When they got out of the castle, the Durmstrang students were getting off of the ship. "I could definitely design a better looking castle," one of the students said. 

"Hey! We have an awesome castle," Quackity exclaimed. 

"Foolish, please don't start something when it's so early," a girl placed her hand on the guy's shoulder. 

"I wasn't starting anything," Foolish said, "I was being honest," he grumbled. 

Before anything could happen, their attention was caught by the multiple, massive pegasus carrying carriages with the Beauxbaton logo, that had flown down to the ground. "Why can't we have a cool entrance like that," Ranboo said. 

A familiar face came into view. "Drista's here?" Tommy questioned, watching the girl search for her brother. Tommy was unsure if he's happy that they can hang out more or in distraught knowing that she's gonna make his life somewhat miserable during her stay here. 

"Yeah, my sister would also have been here if the cut off wasn't 4th years," Tubbo said.

"Everyone! Insider please!" the Headmaster stated. 


Soon enough everyone was seated in their respective houses, while Beauxbatons sat at the Hufflepuff table and Durmstrang at the Ravenclaw table. "Now, as everyone knows, we are gathered here because of the Tri Wizard Tournament," the Headmaster started, "and to explain it, we have here Scott Smajor."

Scott stepped up and cleared his throat, "Like always, to enter you shall put your name in the Goblet of Fire," he said, as the goblet was revealed behind him. "Students should be at least 17 years old to participate, and to ensure that nothing goes wrong in the event, we have the Head of the Auror Department along with his chosen people," Scott continued, gesturing to the people behind and to the sides of the table where the Headmasters and professors sat.

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