Chapter 3

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September 1st. One of the busiest days for the Kings Cross station for multiple reasons. There were the people travelling, on their way to work or school, or in this case, magical families trying to go through a wall.

"Hurry up boys," Phil ushered his kids, not wanting to them to miss the train. "Through you go," he gestured to the wall between stations 9 and 10.

Tommy rolled his eyes as he watched his brothers being polite to each other, not wanting to go first. "Out of the way, bitches!" Tommy exclaimed, pushing his cart through the space between Technoblade and Wilbur, and phasing through the wall.

"Well he's in high spirits," Wilbur grumbled, following the blond, Techno and Phil right behind him.

When they got to the other side, the Hogwarts Express was whistling, steam engulfing the platform. "If things go to plan," Phil started as he checked over his sons' things, "I'll be seeing you three in a month or so."

"Oh yeah," Tommy said in realization, "That thing's happening."

"Yes, but please, don't go around telling everyone about it," Phil said, his hands crossed across his chest, eyeing the three.

"We won't, don't worry," Wilbur said, "as the New Head Boy, I'm not to do so anyway."

"I still have no clue how the fuck you got Head Boy of all people in the school," Tommy said.

Wilbur smirked, "I guess I'm just better," he feigned a sigh, "the horrors of being amazing." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"What about you two?" Phil looked at Techno and Tommy, santing a verbal agreement that they won't spread the word for the seven or so hours they'll be on the train.

Technoblade huffed out a smirk forming on his face, "I wont, but knowing Tommy, I doubt it."

Tommy let out a squawk, "I will not."


"The Triwizard Tournament is upon us," Tommy stated as he opened the door to his, Tubbo, and Ranboo's usual compartment.

Ranboo eyed him, "Hmm, yeah, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to announce that."

Tubbo let out a laugh, "And I thought I was bad at keeping secrets."

"Well, you guys' have a parent in the ministry anyway, you probably already knew," Tommy shrugged, shoving Tubbo lightly to make room for himself.

Ranboo raised an eyebrow, "Umm, no. Our parents didn't tell us, actually."

"Oh," Tommy said.

"I guess Phil's pretty noisy himself," Tubbo chuckled, reaching over to get some beans from Ranboo's pack of Bertie Botts.

"Why do you always get from my food?" Ranboo questioned.

"It's for tax purposes," Tubbo said, grabbing one of the chocolate frogs from the space beside Ranboo.

"That doesn't make any sense," Ranboo said, not bothering to grab back anything that Tubbo takes anyway.

"Yeah, well I'm done being the odd man out," he stood up. "I'm gonna buy my own snacks because I'm a great guy who doesn't mooch of someone else."

"I'm telling you man," Tubbo called after him, "It saves a lot of money."

"You mean you save a lot of money," Ranboo corrected.

"Same difference."

Tommy rolled his eyes, sliding the door close behind them. He'd save a lot more money, considering he wasn't gonna buy any and instead...

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