Chapter 4

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When Tommy woke up the next morning, he was suffocating. 

There was a cat on his face.

Tommy let out a groan before lifting the cat and placing it on his bed. He then grabbed a pillow and threw it at the person who was sleeping on the bed next to his. "Your cat is trying to fucking kill me!" Tommy hissed. 

"Enderchest is not trying to kill you," Ranboo said with a yawn, pushing aside Tommy's pillow. He looked over to the side and saw the cat on Tommy's bed sleeping and Tommy who had his hands crossed against his chest, glaring at him bits of fur on his face—an obvious sign of a murder attempt. "Maybe she was, but I'm sure it's for a valid reason."

"Forget when I said I wanted to share the same dorm as you," Tommy sighed, looking around the room, he and Ranboo were the last ones there, so he assumed everyone else had gone up to the Great Hall. "Come on, I'm hungry."

The two of them got ready before heading to the Great Hall. "Good morning," Ranboo greeted as he sat across Niki. 

"Good morning you two," Niki greeted them happily as she ate dessert. 

Tommy was just about to grab food when someone slammed their hands on the table, making Tommy flinch back, yelling, "Motherfucker!" 

"Hush Thomas," Quackity said, pressing a finger to the younger's lips, both Sapnap and Fundy behind him.

"I will bite you," Tommy threatened, making Quackity back off.

"Anyway," Quackity started, "Now that we're all up and rested, spill."

Tommy frowned, "I have no clue what you guys want me to tell you."

"They want to know how the investigation at the Quidditch Cup went," Tubbo said, sitting between Tommy and Ranboo, "They tried pestering me, but I honestly have no clue."

"Oh," Tommy said in realization, "Well, what do I get in return?"

"Tommy, you're not supposed to sell out Ministry related details," Ranboo warned. 

"No one's gonna know he told us," Sapnap to Ranboo. "Besides, who are we gonna tell?"

"I don't know, you guys aren't exactly known to be...secretive," Niki said. 

"Niki," Fundy whined, "You're supposed to side with us." 

"Everyone shut up, I wanna know my reward," Tommy said, lazily biting his chicken drumstick. 

"Uhh," Quackity thought for a moment, "Our friendship? There's already rumors anyway, so I see no harm in telling us."

"Not gonna work Big Q," Tommy said, "If I'm getting grounded if or when Phil finds out, I'd rather get compensated now."

"Why don't you just ask Techno or Wil?" Niki asked.

"After that potion shit last year? No way am I asking Technoblade," Quackity shuddered. 

"Wilbur's being a pompous arse right now," Fundy said. 

Tommy groaned, "It's that Head Boy pin isn't it? I miss Sam, at least he doesn't brag about it all the time." He sighed, "I'll tell you what they came up with if you give me five Galleons, each."

Quackity looked back at Sapnap and Fundy who shrugged, "Fine," Quackity sighed, collecting a total of fifteen Galleons and handing them over.

"Cool! Free money," Tubbo said. 

Tommy smirked, "Sit down, boys," he said. "So, I overheard Phil talking to Charlie and Sam about this. Apparently, Vikkstar, and I mean Minister of Magic, Vikkstar—"

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