Chapter 5

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Ranboo walked the halls during his free period, not heading anywhere in particular. It's been a month and a bit since they've gotten back to Hogwarts, and he's gonna be honest, it's been quite peaceful. Tommy hasn't brought in random creatures to the dorm nor has Tubbo exploded anything yet. There's the occasional mid hallway duel, but no one's been sent to the Hospital he'd say that was a win.

A loud voice echoing through the entire castle caught Ranboo's attention. "ALL STUDENTS PLEASE GATHER TO THE GREAT HALL!"

Oh god, what happened now? Ranboo thought as he made his way to the Great Hall. 

When he got to the door, students were pushing each other to get inside. Lucky for him, he's tall and can easily slip away from the group. He headed to the Hufflepuff table and sat beside Tommy. 

"Alright, who among you guys fucked up again?" Antfrost asked.

"We haven't been planning anything," Karl admitted. "Maybe it was Tommy?"

Tommy groaned, "Why do you guys assume the worst of me?"

The group gave him a look. "Fair enough, but I genuinely haven't done anything 'gather to the Great Hall' worthy," Tommy said. "Right, Ranboo?"

"Why are you asking me?" Ranboo hissed at him, "but yeah, I don't think Tommy, Tubbo or I have done anything this big. At least I don't remember if we did anything this bad."

The door to the Great Hall closed loudly. The Headmaster was stood at the front of the hall, "Good afternoon everyone, I'm sorry to pull you out of your classes, but we have a...situation," he said. "Professor Agapi—for the first and second year's reference, she teaches Care of Magical Creatures—this morning she found her office broken into and she had found something missing.

"Normally, students can get away with rigging Professor's offices with prank items and only earn detention, but the fact that someone stole something—something important at that—means expulsion."

This got whispers erupt from the crowd. The Headmaster let out a cough, making everyone pipe down. "That is if whoever done it don't come to my office and confess. I will consider other punishments once I hear your full story. You have until the end of the day. 

You are dismissed."

The doors one again opened, catching everyone's attention and when they looked back, the Headmaster was no longer standing in front of the hall. "Welp, I'm pretty sure I didn't steal from Professor Agapi," Ranboo said.

"Well, if you guys didn't do it..." Niki trailed off, looking to the Gryffindor table that was next to them. 

Quackity was the first one to notice, "Hey, I may have broken into multiple professor offices for a troll, but I never stole. Skeppy however—"

"Woah, woah, I don't steal either, yeah?" Skeppy said. "Besides, if I did, I would've done so much better."

"That isn't something to be proud of," Jack pointed out. 

"Well, it feeds my ego, so shut up," Skeppy said. "Besides, I haven't done any trolls lately. Been collecting rocks."

"You're still doing that rock collection thing of yours?" Tommy asked, "Didn't the professor confiscate the rocks you collected last time?"

Skeppy nodded, "Yeah, but while I was collecting them, Dream saw me and helped so when I told him a couple days ago that it was confiscated, he was pretty bumbed out."

"So you're collecting more? That's so sweet," Niki smiled.

"I know, right," Skeppy smirked, shrugging his shoulders proudly.

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