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& update yall stories 🙄. - A/N .


2:46 PM.

I sat with my head hanging, how could I let this happen? I should've went with her.
Who did this? Why?

I leaned back into the chair looking at her sleeping on the hospital bed, whoever did this was gonna pay.
she was literally covered in bruises; from head to toe down. you can tell she put on a fight because of the blood underneath her fingers.

my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.
a lady with blonde hair and a board walked into the room. I'm guessing she was a police officer.

'Hey can I ask you a few questions please?'
i wasn't up for talking but i'll answer as many questions to get whoever did this behind bars.

'How do you know Ms.Parker?'
'Uh. she's my friend, we met a while ago.'
She just stared at me ignoring what I said. it's like she was more interested in looking at me then actually asking me questions.

it's like we were having a staring competition until I coughed awkwardly.
'look, can you hurry up with these questions?'
i stood up.

she scoffed and look back down at her board.
'When you found Ms.Parker did you see any drugs lying around? Maybe any objects she could use to harm herself?'

i cocked my eyebrow and walked closer to her. 'are you implying that she did this to herself?'
' well.. I don't know she just looks like one of them type of girls.'

' get the fuck out' i spat.

the officer opened her mouth to say something.
'GET THE FUCK OUT' i said with tears filled in my eyes, you can be sick enough to say somebody did this to their self just because of the way they look?

i went back to the side of the hospital bed where she was laying, she looked terrible and dehydrated, now that I think about it, no one has been in here to see her. Not even her friend. that's extremely weird.

And the doctors seems to not care, nor are they doing anything about this. It's like their pushing it aside.

i just want to hold her without hurting her. i put my head down next to her legs while holding her hand.

I woke up to feeling a hand cusping my face.
'Wake up.' she whispered.
i turned around and immediately hugged her, it's good finally seeing her woke. but this isn't over yet.

'what's wrong? why are you crying?' she asked looking into my eyes.
i didn't even notice i was crying till now - ' i'm just glad your up...' she smile lightly.

'do you remember anything?' she shakes her head no, i don't want to be the one to tell her what happened to her..
the door opened once again and this time an actual doctor walked in.

'Hello, I see your awake Ms.Parker, How are you feeling?'
'Not great..' Dasani mumbled.

'Do you know what happened to you? Can you remember the last thing before you went unconscious?'

'yea.. I was heading home and one of my friends was there, my house was a mess & i wasn't feeling the best so I made her leave. Shortly after her leaving a man had came from somewhere in my house.
He grabbed me, I think i hit my head, after that.. i'm sorry I can't remember.' She stuttered.

'Here's some things we've noticed when you were brought in.. you have some defensive wounds, multiple cut marks and bruises, broken ribs, a broken arm & a punctured knee...' the doctor sighed.

'we also did a rape kit..'
me and Dasani made eye contact, I hate seeing her like this.. I don't want to see her going through this.
'And..?' she asked.

'It came back positive..'
tears from into her eyes, i can tell she was trying to hold it back, I hugged her as she was crying, trying to comfort her in the best way I could.

'We're releasing you in two days, we will do what we can to get to the bottom of this and find out who did this to you.' The doctor walked out the rooming saying nothing else.

hours passed..

'Dasani..' i said quietly, i didn't want to scare her because earlier she started crying in her sleep when I dropped something, I didn't want anything like that happening again.

'Crazy thing is.. this isn't the first time something like this happened to me..' she said lowly.
'Wait, what do you mean?'

she hesitated but then responded.
'My mom used to have grown men over our house all the time, they would try to touch me, i was so young. I just locked the door every time they would come over.'
'One night I forgot to do one simple thing.. and it happened, I told her about it a few years later but she was strung out on drugs and blamed me, called me names & said i was asking for it.. how could I ask for something like that when I was just a little girl. She wasn't always like that.. She then started kicking me out when I was 14 and 13. I had no place to go, then it happened again. One night I was walking alone in the street, trying to find somewhere to get food, I couldn't get a job so I didn't have any money. This man offered me something to eat- I was so desperate I said yes. I got in his car and he locked the doors. I couldn't get out, Sometimes I still think it's my fault. It was my fault.. I was so dumb..'
I shook my head.

' No you weren't dumb, no kid should have to lock their room door in their own house just because some man is over, your not in the wrong at all, you were a little girl. Your mom is in the wrong, for putting you in danger and then not being there for you, even if she was on drugs she knew what she was getting herself into. It was never your fault. I don't want to hear you saying that again, I'm
so sorry this happened to you, I should've been there.'
She put her head into the crease of my neck and laid there holding onto me. 'I love you.'
'I love you too dasani'

Whoever did this is going to wish they didn't.
i'm sorry this is all over the place 😭 I'll come back and edit it.

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