
933 50 45

2 AM <3.

I can't sleep.. I feel weird, I knew this was gonna happen again.

My emotions are all over the place. I haven't ate.. I haven't slept.. Every-time I talk my mood changes.
Why am I like this?

I rocked back and forward on the balcony taking in the cold air. I put the blunt out and flicked it over the balcony.
I slid back into bed cuddling up behind her.
vanilla. She's so perfect to me.. Everything she does is right, i'm getting so attached. I don't want her to have anyone else, shes mine.

My face turned bloodshot red as I threw the glass across the room. I stomped upstairs and started kicking over stuff.

'how could she?' I started manic breathing and looked at myself in the mirror.. who am I?
My anger turned into sadness quickly, I fell to the bathroom floor & started crying.

The burns started to sting & my blood started to drip on the floor. 'Why would I do this..'

  3 PM.

I took the cart to the next aisle & started grabbing fruits, I loveeee blueberries, I would trade my whole family for blueberries.

     'Girl you barely got anything in this cart we've been here for 30 minutes' Umi said rolling his eyes.
  'Okay okay just a few more things i'm sorry.'
i said laughing.

Me & Blu friends got closer, i love them all, especially Umi & Killian.
   We moved to the next aisle which was baby clothes.

I've always wanted a baby girl, I stopped and started looking at the baby clothes.
   'Baby fever?' Umi said sneaking behind me.

'Just a bit..' 
    Umi grabbed some baby melts and put them in the cart. I cocked my eyebrow at him.
  'Girl don't be mad at me, don't be mad at mf me. Those are good.'

We started heading towards check out when I saw her.. we made eye contact, my ex.
She started to walk over and I just looked the other way.

I knew she was next to me when I started smelling her strong ass cologne. 'Hey baby, I miss you.'
  Umi looked at me & I just kept my head the other way.

'You know you hear me talkin to you.' she said grabbing onto my arm. 'Girl get the fuck off of me.'
She stared at me then started laughing.

'aye little bitch stop acting like I won't beat yo goofy ass.' She said grabbing onto my arm tighter.
'Aye she said get off of her.' Umi said stepping in.

That's why I love him. He always back me up & can tell when I'm uncomfortable.
   She made eye contact with him then walked away.

I finally finished putting the bags in the car and made my way to the drivers side.
'Who was that..?' He asked breaking the silence.

'A ex.. she's irrelevant.' He nodded & closed the passenger side door. He had came in his own car we just shopped together.

I finally pulled up to the drive way, I popped the trunk and grabbed all the bags at once, I'm a one trip ho' I don't play that going back and forth.

𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz