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Thinking of the past made Yoongi sick of himself. He hated himself at this moment. He stumbled his way to the bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror.


He cursed himself. He opened the shelf next to the mirror. He reached out his hand to find the pack of razor blades.


Yoongi received a call one afternoon.

Yoongi: Hello?

Jimin: Yoongi, there's something I want to talk to you about.

Yoongi: Who even are you?

Jimin: This is Jimin. Hoseok's friend from dance club.

Yoongi: Oh yeah. The short guy. What's up?

Jimin: I'm not short- you know what? Forget that. I called to talk about Hoseok.

Yoongi: Can you not-

Jimin: Yoongi just shut up and let me complete. There's something really wrong with him. Like there's something really serious. I don't know what it is and he won't tell me.

Yoongi: What has that got to do with me?

Jimin: The only one thing he told me is that he had a fallout with a friend, which is obviously you. He misses you so fucking much. And if anyone could make him feel atleast slightly better, it's you.

Yoongi: And why do you think I'd talk to him again?

Jimin: Listen I don't know what the problem between you two is. But if you were ever honest in your friendship with him, just please reach out to him.

Jimin hung up. He was not at all happy with Yoongi's attitude, but he hoped that those two would somehow make up.


The next day at lunch Hoseok refused to go to the cafe with everyone. He said he was tired and wanted a nap. Yoongi noticed that and remembered what Jimin said. Yoongi sighed and walked over to Hoseok.

Yoongi: Uhm hey Hoseok. Are you alright?

The familiar yet unexpected voice made Hoseok lift his head up from the desk quickly.

Hoseok: Uh yeah. I'm okay.

Yoongi: You don't look okay.

Hoseok: Well I'm not perfectly okay. I'm just okay. You know what I mean?

Yoongi: Actually I don't. Wanna talk about it?

A deep sigh left Hoseok's mouth.

Hoseok: Okay so I'm an adopted child.

Yoongi nodded.

Hoseok: My parents didn't care about me at all after they had their own child.

Yoongi listened carefully.

Hoseok: But things weren't so bad when I was a kid. As I grew up, they started abusing me more and more. Emotionally, mentally and physically.

Yoongi just kept staring at Hoseok, listening to his story half heartedly.

Hoseok: They've been hurting me a lot more lately cuz apparently I'm not doing too well in school. I've been scoring like C- for my tests.

Yoongi looked down at Hoseok's hands. There were marks and bruises.

Hoseok: To make it worse, I was lonely. You weren't talking to me and I thought it was something I did, like it's my fault.

Yoongi: Well actually yeah there was something like that.

Hoseok: Oh. I'm really sorry then, for whatever I did that made you not wanna talk to me.

Yoongi: It's fine. And about your parents. I think all you need to do is just speak up. I mean you're old enough to stand up for yourself. Who's gonna do it if you aren't doing it yourself?

Yoongi's words weren't soothing at all.

Hoseok: Uhm yeah you're right. Thanks for listening.

Yoongi: No problem.

And he just walked out of the class. Hoseok just went back to doing what he does the best, crying quietly.

*Flashback end*

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