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The news of Hoseok's death hit him like a fucking hammer in the head. He had talked to the boy literally two days back. No fucking way.

He dressed in all black for the funeral. He was supposed to go there with the rest of his friends. He reached the place along with Jimin, Namjoon and a few other boys from their class.

Yoongi saw Hoseok's parents. They didn't seem sad at all, they seemed annoyed at something. Yoongi's assumption was confirmed when he overheard them talking about how Hosoek made them waste their money on his funeral.

He was in disbelief. He had heard stories of wicked parents who abuse their adopted child, but seeing them in real life made his blood boil. He wanted to hurt them when he thought of the terrible things they might have done to his Hobi.

He knelt down in front of Hoseok's picture. Hobi had his famous heart-shaped smile in that picture. He really was the human form of the sun. Literally sunshine. How could he end up this way? How could he take his own life??

Yoongi was sobbing before he knew it. As much as he hates to admit it, he misses his sunshine so damn much. From the time they kept their distance to this very moment, he missed his Hobi. He wished he could bring Hoseok back somehow, but he knew there was no way that could happen.

He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see Hoseok's younger brother. He was holding something in his hand.

Brother: I think hyung wanted you to have this. I saw this kept under a photo of you and him.

The boy extended his hand. He was holding an envelope. Yoongi took it from him and thanked the boy for giving it to him. He then walked outside to meet that girl who was supposedly bullied by Hoseok. She came running up to him, sobbing hard.

Girl: Oppa I-I need to tell you something. Hoseok oppa, h-he... h-he wasn't the one b-bullying m-me...

Yoongi's breath halted, he felt his heart crack, his legs were suddenly too weak to carry his own weight.

Girl: H-he came to help m-me. He heard me s-screaming and walked into the j-janitor's room t-to help me.

Yoongi couldn't focus fully on what she was saying.

Girl: A group of b-boys were harassing me. He beat them u-up and s-saved me...

He managed to voice a few words through his trembling lips.

Yoongi: B-but you two w-were the only o-ones in there when I came in...

Girl: The g-guys ran out, through the b-back door.

His eyes widened.

Yoongi: What??!! The Janitor's room had another fucking door??!!!

Girl: Y-yes and the bullies r-ran out that way-


Girl: B-because I was scared that the a-actual bullies would harm me m-more if I told on them.


Girl: I'm s-sorry. I made a terrible m-mistake. I h-hate myself for it. I-I've regretted it since that d-day.

Yoongi raised his hand to slap the girl, but he stopped. She did wrong, but he did worse. He chose to believe her instead of Hoseok. He was a bigger monster than the girl.

He crouched down low and started crying hard. He regretted everything he said to Hoseok that day. He shouldn't have doubted him. Out of all the fucking people, he was the one person who should've been supporting Hoseok. But no, he caused more pain. Yoongi really really hated himself now.

*Flashback ends*

Yoongi just finished reading Hoseok's letter to him. He felt his heart gettting crushed. He realised he is just as responsible for Hoseok's death as anyone else who hurt him. He hurt Hoseok the most. Guilt started eating him up. He felt like a murderer. He felt like he had blood stains on his hands.

He stumbled his way to the bathroom. He cursed at his own reflection in the mirror. His hands found the pack of razor blades in the shelf next to the mirror. He grabbed one of the blades and brought it to his wrists.

He made slits on his hand as he muttered "I'm sorry Hobi...."

The last thing Yoongi heard was the sound of his own blood dripping down onto the floor before he saw his world fade into darkness.


A/N: So that's the end of this depressing story. Hope you liked it. I genuinely hope this story didn't offend anyone. Leave any questions you have about this story in the comments.

One last thing, many of us are here to talk to if you feel low or depressed. Please don't ever think suicide is a choice. Stay healthy both physically and mentally. Thank you 🤍

But you'll forever be my only one | SOPE (YOONSEOK) FANFICOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant