Beyblade Organ Trail ( art isn't mine credit to the creator of it)

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(The narrator voice is supposed to sound like the one from call of the wild)

Ken: Ok we are leaving now in March so we should make it as long as we keep a good pace and not eat giant meals.

The others: ok.

Ken: ok let's name the oxen: Ben, Wakiya, Toko, Nika, Ryota, and Xander. Ok now we have everyone good. Shu is in charge of cooking, Valt has laundry, Honcho you'll fix things, and Daigo you will hunt and help me with the wagon by keeping watch and if I get sick you lead.

                       March 1st

Ken: ok it's 102 miles till the kansas river so not that long just a few hours.

Everyone: ok.

Valt: Yay this is gonna be so much fun.

                          March 5

Ken: Ok it's 7.1 feet deep so be careful

Shu: We will

Ken: hey Honcho can you help me caulk the wagon across?

Honcho: Sure!

A few minutes later

Honcho: Its tipping over

*Honcho got swept up by the water and Shu tried to save him but it was unsuccessful they both drowned Ken and Daigo found their bodies floating 10 miles away so they had a funeral with Valt for them and on top of that they lost 7 sets of clothing, 168 bullets, and 1 wagon wheel but they carried on.*

Ken: ok guys it's 82 miles to the Big Blue River.

Ken: Also valt your still in charge of Laundry and Daigo will cook and repair stuff and while he cooks you'll help me with the wagon.

Valt: ok.

                      ~March 9~

Ken ok Guys we are here! Let's be more careful than last time ok.

Daigo: ok we will.

          *A few minutes later*

Ken: Well that went well

Daigo: I agree

Valt: We lost nothing during that river Crossing.

Daigo: Yeah!

Ken: So it's 118 miles to Fort Kearny we should probably continue now.

The other two: agreed.

                     ~March 15~

Ken: guys we are here!

Valt: Yay!

Ken: How much food do we have?

Daigo: We still have 1896 pounds!

Ken: Ok but should we stop and rest we haven't stopped to take a few days of.

Valt: That sounds good.

Daigo: I second that.

Ken: It's settled then we will rest for 3 days and then continue.

Both: ok.

* They then lost four days because Valt chased a butterfly and got lost but they found him perfectly happy....and smelly so they decided to make him take a bath and fed him so they could then continue*

                    ~March 27~

Valt: Hey guys I'm going to go get a drink

Ken: Ok. Hey valt make sure to make sure it's the filtered water.

Valt: Ok, I will!

* Valt got them mixed up and long story short he now has dysentery and they now will have to stop so they will stop for 3 days *

                        ~April 3rd~

* The road was rough so there was a trunk that tipped over and Daigo tripped and it fell on his leg*

Daigo: *yells in pain cause his leg just got crushed*

Ken: *Stops the wagon and sees that his boyfriend Daigo has an injured leg and he inspected it more and found out it's broken. As Daigo had a few tears in his eyes so he kissed Daigo's cheek after wrapping up his leg and putting wooden splints on it and payed him on a few blankets and cuddles him while they stop to rest for a week in Wich case they would need to travel 86 miles to Fort Laramie*

                        ~April 12~

* Valt drank bad water again so he got typhoid and they are stopping to rest...again *

                       ~April 18~

* Valt has died in Wich he met Shu and Honcho the day after leaving the Fort Ken and Daigo are sad but try to look on the bright side and say at least they have each other.*

                         ~May 13~

* They made it to Independence Rock and now must travel 102 miles to south pass*

                        ~May 20~

* They made it and are now heading to Green River Crossing*

* They took a ferry for five bucks because the water was 21.1 feet deep and nothing bad happened at the river crossing*

                        ~June 8~

* The wagon caught on fire but they only lost some bullets and a wagon axel*

                      ~June 13~

*The oxen Ben is injured*

                     ~July 15~

* Daigo was helping round up the oxen when he tripped and that scared one of them and they stepped on his leg breaking it so Ken fixed that and cuddled with him again*

                     ~July 20~

* Poor Daigo broke his leg for the 3rd time he fell out of the wagon and fell on his leg wrong and you know what happens next.*

                     ~July 26~

* They made it to the last river and lived*

                      ~July 28~

*Daigo's leg got infected to the point where he got sick and died leaving ken alone and and very sad and hurt.*

Daigo: Ken I love you.

Ken: I Love you too *crying*

Daigo: Please don't be sad I'll see you one day good bye.

Ken: Please don't leave me! I need you! *Is hugging Daigo as he was dying and is now dead and buries him*

                     ~August 13~

*Ken got measles and had to rest even though it probably pretty deadly*

                     ~August 21~

*Ken broke his arm*

                     ~August 28~

* Ken was on the trail and found a bunch of food*

                   ~September 27~

*Ken has made it to oregon and sees that his other friends are their and he now lives with Ben*

(So was this interesting or should I never do this again cause I was thinking of doing an mha one)

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