beyblade randomness

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I'm doing this for a friend her user name is @S30027155

Shu:Okay Lui we are filming.

Lui: (Puts arm around valts shoulder) Have you ever chocked on water? Did your dog run away? Is your cat stalking you? Then you should call 911 and that number is...*whispers* shu what's the number for 911?



Shu:....Why did I hire you, you are an idiot.

It was at this moment, shu new he messed up.

Lui: *Grabs sword and chases shu*

*Gabe walks in, sees Lui chasing shu and just pretends he wasn't there and questions his life choices*

Random scenarios and memes(mostly pokemon, beyblade, Yu-gi-oh,or mha)Where stories live. Discover now