CH. TWELVE | Welcome, Rina

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         TIME PASSED EXCEPTIONALLY fast. The hours of the day came and gone like the waves from the ocean tides. Everyone was busy, yielding tasks in everyday life just wishing to move past everything threatening them.

The worlds hate for the Eldian race wasn't easy to withhold. Someone can only take so much taunting.

It had been three months since the last ship from one of the previous fleets had arrived, giving the island enough time to prepare for another incoming. Using the wireless radio helped keep the military aware for incoming infiltrators.

Most of the captives from the boats that managed to survive, had given into the torture brought to them, and finally agreed to switch sides, joining Paradis. Engineers from Marley contributed as well, giving access to hidden technology which allowed more and more efficient projects to be held.

Port construction was coming along well. In some time, it would be ready for use. Welcoming newly landed ships taken away from the fleets.

Using her spare time away from duty wisely, Y/N found it best to train using the Paradis gear. Learning the basics of the Vertical Maneuvering equipment was valuable, since it was what she would be working with for a while.

She got the hang of it fairly quick, only falling flat on her face a couple times. Though one striking fall on to a rock left a laceration stretching from her eyebrow across her nose. A deep scar would be left in place, as a signature of some of her struggles.

When Y/N wasn't out giving hand to hand combat training to the others for their benefit, she could be found zipping through trees like a bird, free with no destination in mind.

The wind brushed against her face, stinging her eyes as she took in all the comfort of the suns heating rays. She held an ODM blade in hand, swishing at tree branches standing in her way.

Life seemed so simple for a short amount of time. The rules in Marley had no effect here, and she cherished it all for her free will. No one really seemed to pay attention to her background anymore. It was only about her skill, and quick thinking as a soldier.

Some would like to believe that since Y/N is away from all her worries, she wouldn't care to think about her hometown. A town located in a country which only cared about her for control.

And there they would be wrong.

Nonstop, every single day Y/N would wonder just how life was going on in Liberio.

How were the candidates? Are there any new successors chosen yet? How were the Warriors? Have they heard about her?

These thoughts raced through her head as she whipped past tree branches, catching herself from plummeting straight to the floor.

She missed her friends. She missed the candidates as well, training with them nonstop just so they could barely make it past their twenties.

It hurt, she'd have to admit.

These were the people she cared for. Shared rooms and special memories with. The people she grew up with.

Getting them caught up in her problems is what she didn't want. She didn't want them to hate her, nor feel like they've lost all the trust they had in her.

Would they even care to listen to her reasoning?

She knew that Reiner would hear her out, but it was unexpected of how he would react. Pieck wouldn't be able to forgive her. Porco.. it's better to not even say. Zeke most likely wouldn't bother to care, considering he's willing to side with Paradis.

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