zardy x blind! redder

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[This one was requesting by Sinfel_Warlock hope you enjoy! And thay helped me was the story idea so thanks dude! Art by me but it' svery old,]

To give you a bit of context
you and your "friend's" were on their way to zardys maze, it was very late in the night like 12-1:00 am. "You're friends" thought it would be a great idea to leave you their to die because their were a lot of rumors of the maze comes to life at night. And it was very dangerous as well but their just rumors right? Well that were wrong very wrong as well see soon,

[ Jackies POV]
"Uuhhhggggg... Were at the maze finally..." Lucy grond it was only a ten minute walk, "Oh come on lucy! It was only a ten minute walk!" I snap at her "well yeah Jacky my home is LITERARY A HOUR AWAY FROM YOURS AND [Y/N]'S HONE!"As she yeld at me.'s just a walk, "guys stop fighting you don't want anyone know were here right? And it's like 2am why are we even here anyway?" [Y/n] said they did had bit of a point about us getting found but god their aonying... Let's just get over with I thought to myself, "uuuhhggg.. Just shut up lucy, and let's just get it over with." I said to her as a open the gate. "Well were in the maze now" I said "soooooo..what's the plan?" [Y/n] said. " about we split up!" Lucy said god I love her, "but...guys--"  "Ohh [Y/n] it will be fun! Don't be such a baby!" Lucy said trying to make [y/n] think it will be fine if they go alone "Yeah just "trust" lucy! Were friends after all right?" I joined in trying to convinced them. "Uumm..okay.." That fell for it. "Okay let's go!" Lucy ran off [Y/n] walk off somewhere as well see ya [y/n].

[Y/n's] pov:

I can't see nothing but the lamps light, I don't have a guide dog I only have a stick that my dad gave me 3 years ago 2 months after the accident. I keep tripping and bumping into shit why did I agree to this? Is it because I'm lonely? Or foolish. It's been a hour of walking around but then..... SANP
A vine grabbed my leg!

"H-..HELP!!!! I NEED HELP!!! LUCY?...JACKIE??? HELP!!!!"

it started to pull me up.

[Lucy's pov:]

"Hey jack did you hear that?"

"Is that [Y/n]?"

"It is we did it Jackie!! Ther gone! Fucking gone!"

We did finally! We will be able to be [y/n] free! I hugged jack, we were acting like little kids it was the best day of our lives. We can inherited there money because thay were saving it to get eye surgery. But it's ours now!

Until.... "AHHHHHHHH!"
"J-jack!?" She was screaming the scarecrow was alive??? The rumors were ture, "LUCY HELP!" Jackie was being chopped in to piece....Oh my god... first [y/n] and now us..? I was to shaking to help her. I was backing away but something from behind or some one...

"So you are the ones the leave your friend to die out here? I pitty you both, you are the most Pathetic humans I've ever saw. Let me show you real hell!"

The scarecrow talked, we can't run now this what we get for using [y/n]. This is karma.

[Y/n's POV ]

I was calling for lucy and jackie but thay never came but eventually I heard them scream, it seems like thay got caught to. It's hopeless why did I agree to this? No one is not coming to my aid when will mom and dad think what happened to me? I don't even go with out saying goodbye to my family. It's the en-
Then suddenly I was put donw on the grond.


I was very confused one minute I was being trow around like a dog toy bit now I'm sitting here? It was gentle like it put me donw willing" I sat there I didn't know what to do my leg is hurt from all the thrashing. And I'm blind I don't know where is my stick is, so I can't run or anything if I call for help no one will hear me. So what do I do? It felt like hours passed of thinking even though it has been minutes, and then I hear foot steps thay were approached me.

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