Chapter One

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Joe's P.O.V, 2008

I don't know what happened to me. In the beginning I took this so seriously. After all- I didn't have a choice then. Screwing off would have gotten me cut off financially- and then my hard work throughout high school and college would mean nothing. I often wonder if I'm worthy enough, if I should even be here- then I remember why I am, and internally scream at myself for being so reckless.

The generosity of the rich lady I lived with after my parents kicked me out saved my life. She's been more of a mother than my own mother ever has, despite her rules. She's had only two major ones: that I finish college and become a lawyer. Because I was so desperate for money and a place to live, I agreed. During law school, she wanted me to focus on it alone, so she's cut off communication and continued to send me money.

I'm not too upset about our arrangement, but I feel like I'm scamming her. I'm about one more zero away from failing- it's a good thing graduation and the bar exams are soon. I feel bad for whoever gets me as a lawyer.

And I almost feel bad for the woman laying beside me- the one who's dragged me through the most brutal parts of law school and gotten me out of bed when nothing else would. I know I'll never be as good as her, that she could have anybody she wanted upon first glance- which is why I'll never understand why she chose me.

I'm nothing special, but as her chest rises and falls, her hair falls over her shoulders and I need a second to catch my breath. Even in sleep, she's a literal goddess. I scoot over, my face now inches from hers- and spend what must be half an hour just staring at it. There isn't a single imperfection, physical or otherwise. Not that physical appearance matters- because it doesn't, but she's just so.... her.

Minutes continue passing by. My bedside alarm moves way too fast, almost mockingly as it watches me watch her. So when it goes off and she jolts up, I roll my eyes. Time is the worst wingman possible.

She stretches, unaware of my presence for a few seconds- though I'm so aware of hers that it hurts. Her bare skin reminds me of last night, and then in pulling the sheets up to cover my bottom half. She finally turns to me and my heart stops.

"Good Morning." She leans in, planting a light kiss on my lips.

Be normal, be normal, be normal-

"Hey.." Godamnit Joe. "How are you?"

Please stop talking you moron.

But she is oblivious to me cringing at myself. Instead, she thinks I'm being intentionally quirky. She props herself up, looks into my eyes and smirks.
"I think...I'm doing pretty alright. And you?"

"Never been better." I shrug, playing along because I know what'll come next. I love this woman- but damn she has the sex drive of a sixteen year old boy.

"Sure about that?"

Here we go.

  I remember our first time. We were just Seventeen. It was her birthday and we'd been dating for a few weeks. I was just as mesmerized by her then as I am now- the amount of love I have for her hasn't changed in the slightest but these past seven years. If she believe in marriage, I'd marry her right now.

  Instead, she pushes herself up and straddles me. I let my hands wander up her bare back as she grips onto the bed frame, and then she starts moving down. As much as I want to just go with the flow, my member painfully hard- I owe her more than that.

  Last night, she made it about me. Now- it must be about her.

  "Uh uh-" I shake my head, placing an arm around her waist to stop her. "It's your turn."

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