Chapter Four

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7.4 years ago

"Just take her on a picnic, chicks love that shit." My oldest live-in brother says, and I want to punch him.

"It's not that simple, man." I pace across the overcrowded room, all eyes focused on my mental breakdown. My brothers mean well, they do- but they don't know Sonia like I do. In just a month I've told her things about myself nobody else knows, and she's done the same.

We're extremely different. She comes from a very wealthy family and is an only child. Basically, she hit the family jackpot while I'm at the bottom of the barrel, trying to gather any of the leftover pennies.

And I do love my family, but sharing a room with as many people as I do is annoying. The only saving grace there is that the babies all sleep in our parents room, and the youngest one in here is twelve, so at least we don't have to deal with toddler freak outs and we can talk each other through ours.

"Well-" The middle one says, sitting up. "What does she like? It's not our fault you waited until the last possible second to plan this thing out."


She likes and dislikes everything at the same time. With the way she thinks, everything has a good and bad side- roses for example. They smell nice and they're pretty, but they're also prickly and irritate her allergies. She wants to study law because she knows she'd be good at it, but she's gone on and on about how hard it is. Hell, maybe I'll follow her there just to prove a point.

She really loves chocolate, but from her own words, not mine- it has too many calories and it gives her acne. That last part is true at least.

"A lot...and nothing." I finally reply, flopping back on my twin sized bed. My arms hang off the side and I'm reminded again of just how infuriating my living situation is. I really need to get my life together so I'm not just thrown out on the streets in less than six months.

"You could take her shopping." The oldest suggests. "You can't go wrong with that- it's not possible."

"I have forty dollars to my name." I shake my head. "That wouldn't work either."

He rolls his eyes, rolls over to the other side of his bed, and opens his tiny personal dresser. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, watching as he pulls out a stack of twenties. The rest of my brothers have the same looks on their faces, though the wheels in the youngest one's head are turning, and he tilts his head at me.

So we are thinking the same thing. I turn my attention back to the oldest, who's now counting out what I think is $300. I gulp, not because I'm scared- but because I'm scared for him.

"Lucifer, where the hell did you get that?" I press. "You don't have a...real job."

  He grins.

  "Don't worry about me- and sure I do. Just take the money, Joe." He holds out the stack to me and for one of the first times ever, I'm genuinely worried for him. I thought he was one of the smartest. The rest of my family are complete fucking idiots- it looks like he's joined them.

  "Are you selling drugs?" I ask, my face hardened.


  "Lucifer." I grit my teeth. "Don't lie to me. If you're doing something that could put all of us in danger-"

  "Chill, Joe." He chuckles. "You think I didn't make sure all of you little assholes would be safe? That was one of my stipulations. In fact- you're  probably safer now that you were before I started."

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