Chapter Seventeen

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Seven Years Ago

  The sheets even smell expensive. Here- on the top floor, we don't have to worry about her parents hearing us, and they don't check on her too often anyways. I'm not sure they'd notice if she just stayed up here for an entire week, since housekeepers come and go.

  And I imagine, just for a second- how different my family's life would have been if we grew up in this house. If our father was as successful in his business ventures as Sonia's- would we still be sleeping six to a room?

  There are five bedrooms on this floor alone, four that have been converted into different areas for her: A movie theatre, indoor pool room(yes, on the top floor. You can get away with stupid architecture when you're rich and every single thing in the house is insured) A free range reptile room (snakes, lizards and everything else under the sun), and a beauty room.

  The one she sleeps in, the one that has a bed were both curled up on right now, is bigger than my entire house- and that's not an exaggeration. I even try to picture the layout; how it would fit in here. My bedroom would be in the corner across from her bedside table. The kitchen would be where a door leads to her bathroom. Don't even get me started on it.

  She smells expensive too- all the thousand dollar perfume I'm assuming. But under all of the money her parents throw at her is a seventeen year old girl, who just like anybody else- wants a normal life. Our definitions are very different, of course. In her world that would mean downgrading houses, scaling down her space to a single room- but maybe keeping the reptiles because that's kind of her thing. She would want them to stop buying so much expensive food, even though that's what her tastebuds are accustomed to, and donate some every now and then- at least that's how I imagine her.

  Maybe I'm wrong. She is a spoiled rich girl- what I mean is that she certainly doesn't act like it.

  In my world, a normal life would mean moving out, finding a tiny apartment or trailer I could barely afford, and paying the bills on time. For now all I can do is hope.

  Beside me, she's still sound asleep, knocked out from the events of last night. I stand up completely naked and move a sheet over her body, which she's managed to wiggle out of some time in the past few hours. I walk over to her coatrack which is used more for robes and grab one- she won't mind. I try to find my underwear on the floor, which only takes a few seconds, and jump into those.

  At some point one of her maids came in and set down morning coffee- that was probably a few hours ago because it's cold. Normally I wouldn't turn down coffee, but when I take a sip- I nearly spit it out. Fancy, rich people coffee normally gets bitter after it cools down, and they don't drink it with creamer.

  Her father already doesn't like me. He's really not going to like me when I come down his marble stairs in one of his daughter's robes, in just my underwear. But he already doesn't like me- so what?

  Nothing I do is going to change his mind, might as well fuck with him and enjoy the show while I'm at it. I kiss Sonia on the forehead and walk back across the room to her front door, which opens automatically upon me putting my hand on it.

  I come face to face with one of the maids- I really should learn their names if I'm going to be here as long as I want, given her father allows it, which he won't.

  "Good morning-" I cheerfully smile, trying to be nice to her since I'm sure nobody else is in this house. "Did ya sleep good?"

  "Did you?" She raises an eyebrow, shaking her head, and walks straight into the bedroom to pick up the early morning coffee tray. "Was this morning to your satisfaction?"

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