Chapter Six

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Seven years ago

  I never imagined that I'd get this far in life. As I stare up at the dorm building that'll be my home for the next four years, I can't help but feel I don't deserve it. I certainly wouldn't have gotten into this school on my own.

  I have one woman to thank. She took me in at my worst moment, used her connections to get me into this Ivy League- after Sonia's parents refused to because I "looked ratty". I'll never understand how someone like her came from someone like them.

  "You coming?" The roommate I met just hours ago asks. We were both confused because of the sheer size of the campus and ran into each other by chance- on the complete opposite end of where we were supposed to be.

  I nod, picking up my heaviest box. This school doesn't do things like the others. Our "dorm rooms" are really just tiny apartments; two bedrooms, a kitchenette and bathroom. He and I are lucky that it's just us two, that we don't have to share our room with anyone.

  This way- neither of us will have to ask the other to leave when we have our girlfriends over. I follow him up to the third floor, sweating and holding the box the entire time. We've made five rounds so far today- the dude has a lot of shit, but I feel like it's my roommate-ly duty to help him, since no family's come with.

  We're both sweating profusely, and if I had any nostrils left after sharing a room with six boys for so long, I'm sure we'd stink. At least we have the elevator to ourselves, and everybody else is sweaty too, so none of them say anything as we pass through the hallways.

  I nearly collapse as I accidentally slam the box down in his room. He flips back on his bed, spreading all of his limbs out like a starfish, and wipes his forehead with his hand, which only makes it more greasy.

  "You want the shower first?" I ask, panting.

  "Nope. I'm gonna...take a nap... thank you. I'd pay you if I could."

  "No-" I shake my head. "I wouldn't let you even if you could."

  "Well then... I guess we're even and...I don't want to  be rude but can you get out now?"

  I like him.

  He thinks like me. No matter how nice you are to people, you just need time alone sometimes. After a stressful move in day, he has the right idea- and I'd be taking a nap too if I hadn't promised to spend the evening with Sonia.

  We're on thin ice lately, after what her parents pulled, but like with everything else- I believe we can get through this. And she won't judge me for being sweaty either, because she probably looks similar.

  I groan, forcibly peeling myself off the floor, and walk across the room. My roommate face plants into his pillow. I shut the door, groan again- and head over to my room so I can rummage through my suitcase of clothes.

  I'll take a shower later tonight. My arms are too sore right now to bother, but I'm certainly not going over their in this holey, stained shirt. I can't do much for the sweat dripping down my forehead so I don't bother with it, instead settling on chugging an entire 32 ounce water bottle. I haven't had a chance to eat today, so I should probably do that too- but oh well.

  My eyes fall over the wallet in my suitcase, and I reach for it. I don't have many things inside: just my ID, beginner's permit, and the card she gave me. I remember that moment like it was yesterday. She barely had me in the door before she reached into a drawer with her wrinkled hand and pulled it out, like she was planning on finding somebody like me to save.

  And save she did.

  I quickly slip out of my old clothes and into the newer, sweat free one she bought me. They fit perfectly- and they don't even have holes.

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