Chapter Twenty Two

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So this is it. Nine weeks of hard work, and the really hard part starts today. Noelle's resources did end up being as useful as she said they would. She was also confirmed just last week, making her the first and youngest female to hold her position. And she deserves it too.

  Through I suppose "deserving it" is a subjective phrase, I doubt there's a single person in the world who wouldn't agree with me. She worked her ass off for years without stopping, instead of burning out the last year of school like I did and having to shove everything into just a few months of studying. And from the few conversations I've had with her employees these past few days, she's doing amazing.

  Only time can tell if she'll be able to handle the most pressing issues- like today's for example. Right now we're stuck in a meeting room in the courthouse, waiting on the call from an intern telling us it's time to come in. Elizabeth,Ruth,Noelle, a record keeping intern, Sam and I are here.

  I will be the main person to question witnesses. Sam is just here to observe, because although he doesn't say it out loud- I know the non family members in this room are thinking it: These types of cases are particularly entertaining. Not because they're funny, not because it's like watching a movie- but because we get to watch the defendant get hauled off to prison, where they'll most likely stay for twenty plus years.

  Noelle is here to step in if she sees an opportunity, one that nobody else does- because her mind just works so differently. Take now for example: While everybody else savors the few minutes we have left before this hell begins, she's reviewing the case information we've been memorizing for weeks.

  She doesn't have to. This morning was supposed to be rest- but she just doesn't do that. It almost makes me feel inadequate, taking my Judge-recommended break.

  I only do it because I know it won't last long. The loudly ticking clock on the wall reminds me of that fact, and I nervously shift every few seconds. There are so many cameras in that room- enough to catch every angle of my face, every time anybody breathes wrong. I will need to keep a straight face the entire time for however long this trial lasts. If I show any emotion I'll be torn apart on national television, but as I've looked into Zacharia's life more, I don't know if I'll be able to help it.

  Just seven weeks before he was murdered, he defended a nine year old boy that killed both of his parents after they finally broke him. His entire life, he lived in complete filth, too much for one person to ever clear and his parents refused to hire somebody- so that entire family was suffering from health issues. They also abused him in multiple ways- he'd go to school with long sleeves and pants when it was a hundred degrees and lie about why just in case his parents hit him again for telling the truth.

  But the world has a funny way of dealing with people, so karma came for them both when they woke up to a knife in their faces.

  Zachariah got him off with zero charges. That little boy is now in a foster to adopt situation with an older couple who's struggled to conceive.

  There are lawyers like me, who are amazing at their job but only do it for the money( in every case except this one) and then there are those like him- ones who do it because they know how it feels to struggle and just want to help those who do.

  I struggle. I do- but it was never in the way he did. We had food on the table, then almost immediately after I was kicked out somebody found and helped me. I had to walk what- a few miles? Big whoop.

  In the middle of the table, Elizabeth's phone rings. Everybody jumps- I'm guessing most of us got lost in daydreams. Her hand reaches out for it, and she puts it up to her ear, trying to steady her breathing. Ruth places a hand on her back, trying to comfort her.

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