"we meet again, shorty."

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I'm so lost in thought. Indistinguishable green patches pass my gaze as the tracks squeak due to friction from the brakes.
I'm on my way to my new university, and everything's to play for. It's no longer primary school, i have to work like my life depends on and not slack off or get *distracted*, as cheesy as it sounds it's the truth. I'll get no where if i don't put my head down.

"you have reached your destination, please mind the gap on your way out." the intercom plays.

Im so not used to this, new area, new territory, new land to discover and new faces to meet, or so i thought.

I make my own way to the exit and stumble off the train. The station is full of busy workers and people making their way to the different platforms.
Loud murmurs of each persons different conversations fill the hall, i'm really not used to crowded spaces so this will be "fun".

And it so happens to be rush hour. just my luck.
i hate public travel, especially trains, they always make my eyes fuzzy and i feel faint everything i get on one of them stupid things.
however, it's my only route of fast travel to my desired destination, which sucks ass by the way.

And of course me being me i stumble down the stairs.
My left foot places itself on the top of my right and sends me flying down the stairs.
i close my eyes, prepared for anything really.
until i land on something soft?

i get a massive whiff of men's aftershave and i put two and two together..

My right eye squints open, in-front of me, or should i say below me, is a boy, around my age.
I pick myself up.

"uhm.. i'm really sorry."

he starts lifting himself up grabbing his things.

"it's really okay, you should be a little more careful on them stairs, shorty."

"hey! i'm not that-" i cut myself off.
the unknown boy towers over me.
great, now i'm even shorter than i already was. he must've been over 6 foot.

i've struggled with my height, it's barely changed since secondary school.
all the girls would've pointed it out, boys too.
puberty didn't do me justice.
i've always been insecure about it but i cant change that about myself, so i choose to live with it.

as i'm lost in thought, again, i have a habit of doing that, the boy speaks words thats i didn't know would change everything.

"we meet again, shorty."

"excuse me?" i am insanely confused, this man i've only just met yet he claims to know me?

"oh come on.." the man said raspily "don't tell me you've forgotten about me already??"

i'm scanning this man from top to bottom, every feature my eyes take in.

"i'm sorry, i don't recall you."

"oh will this make you remember me? hedgehog?" he pouts his lips.


suddenly everything flashes back into my brain, the memories of secondary school and how we promised to keep in contact..
the "cute" nickname, he always said it was because i was sweet on the inside and tough as nails on the outside. i've always hated the nickname "hedgehog" *i never really liked it*
but the real truth is i loved it.

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