somethings are better kept a lie. 

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JAXS POV -3 days later-
*beep* *beep* *beep*

"mmrr" i wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring.
i'm so not used to this.

i flip over the covers, stumble out of bed and open my curtains with a woosh.
it's still dark out.

i immediately reach and then grasp my phone in my hand.

'system hasn't been backed up in 2 weeks.'

"stupid settings." i murmur under my breath.

i swipe into messages and click on "headgehog"

•11.47am 3 days ago•

i cant get you out of my head.'
seen 11.48am

still no reply..
he must just be busy i guess.

entering my bathroom i set my phone down, the screen facing upwards.
i turn on the shower and clean my teeth.
checking my phone every 2 minutes.
yet it's still on seen.

i'm all ready now.
bag is packed.
moneys in my pocket along with my keys, train pass and my phone.

i put my shoes on and rush out the door.

every mornings relatively the same.
wake up early, get ready and catch my train with 3 minutes to spare.
i've finally gotten into routine.
though i do miss the feeling i felt when i met theo again.

but nevertheless i need to move on, it's already been days since i've spoken to him so i should be okay not knowing him. right?

i rush into my train the second it arrives.
finally, it's the first day i've gotten the table seat.
you may think it's selfish to hog 4 seats and a table, well i won't disagree with that but my phone desperately needs charged and the only seat with a charger is the table seats.

why wouldn't i just charge my phone at home?
well, my current living situation isn't the greatest.
some say, rich dad, i must be daddy's boy with all this money.
well they're wrong.
i fend for myself.
i have a stable job working a street down from my university at a local library.
it's quiet, low effort, and it pays minimum wage.
just my cup of tea.

i'm currently renting out someone's loft.
i have everything i need in that space, a small bathroom, a bedroom, and a mini fridge.
though i am able to use the main kitchen downstairs.

however, the electricity is really bad, and by bad i mean dangerous, i'm guessing my "landlords" aren't paying for very good sockets, and if i choose to use this they'd charge me more.
so personally i find it easier to just use any public chargers available to me.

anyway, reverting back to my father, after a few weeks i've finally convinced him to pay for a dormitory for me, this will make life so much easier.
ill have my wages going straight into my own pocket, i won't have to spend money on trains every morning and i'm only a 2 minute walk away from my university.

the room my father will be paying for is in a building, owned by my university.
they have good wifi and electricity so that's me sorted.
as well, i'll get a roommate, so maybe i can make a new friend, who knows.

"you have reached your destination, please mind the gap on your way out."

i unplug my phone and shove it in my backpack, then i step off the train and i see the same familiar small boy in front of me.
i look away, avoiding him entirely.

i continue my way on, heading towards the stations exit-

"hey!" someone grabs onto my shoulder pulling me back.

my eyes land on the same familiar boy, standing upright smiling directly into my pupils.

i haven't seen him in days.
why was he ignoring me. again.

"oh uh- hey." jax speaks, totally unbothered.

"why are you ignoring me, again." my face drops.

"i could ask you the same thing." he snaps back.

"excuse me?"
he's the one who hasn't even bothered to send me a message.
or even one simple "hi"

"yeah, i messaged you like- uh an hour after you gave me your number.."
jax seems disappointed, he looks at his feet for second but then stands up straight again.

"oh. sorry what was the message again?" apologetically i look into his eyes.

"uhm, this is embarrassing to say uhh out loud."

"go on.." i giggle

"finei said, 'i can't get you- you- out of my head'." quickly he splseems embarrassed.

i should be the one that's embarrassed.
how did i not realise that was him.
this is all my fault.
i ghosted him thinking it was milo.
i feel awful.

"oh god- sorry, i uh forgot to reply.."
i lied.
i couldn't tell him to his face.
the real reason.
and who milo is.
he doesn't and shouldn't need to know about that.
it's not like he cares anyway.

jax places his hand on the top of my head.

"what are you?-"
he scruffs up my hair.

through his chuckles he speaks, "it's fine, now cmon, we're going to be late if we stand around here all day."
he rests his hand out in front of me.

instinctively i grasp it and he pulls me along outside.

we get drenched in rain the second we leave the station.

jax giggles beside me, "look at you all wet." he laughs hysterically, hardly able to breath.

"shut up." i cross my arms, holding in my laughter.

sometimes i wonder if my life would be different if jax replaced milo..

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