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overwhelming distress.
"an unforgettable tale of joy and heartbreak"

first day at this new university.
and if i do say so myself i have been very kind to a lot of people, and i HATE socialising, especially with people the same age as me.
out of all the people i've spoken to jax and this boy sitting beside him seem like the only people i'd get along with, everyone's been giving me strange looks when i talk to them.
so even getting a reply out of jax, it was a step forward.

tess, my best friend is sitting beside me too, all though she's too busy eyeing up lilian to even acknowledge me.
i seriously don't understand how they haven't been caught yet.

for some context tess, is dating lilian, our freaking professor.

funnily enough it's how we became friends.


"yeah i'll meet you at lunch!" i scream over to one of my close friends, lennon.
i just need to hop into the classroom and leave this off to ms. getson so i can leave for my lunch.

i move up to the door and know on it gently.
i step in before even awaiting an answer.
my eyes land on ms. getson.
my books fall to the floor.
i quickly revert my eyes and open my mouth.

"YO- y- WHAT. IS THIS ALLO-" getson quickly shoots up and covers my mouth with her hand before i can finish my sentence.

my screams muffle and ms. getson closes the door.

my brain tries to process what i just saw.
and the fact that i'll never be able to look at her the same.
she lifts her hand from my mouth.

"don't speak a word of this." she stares at me intently.

i don't answer her but instead look to a girl, propped up on her desk.
she looks to be in my year, and she's clearly nervous.
her eyes pierce through me.

she's all messed up, her hair definitely needs brushing that's for sure.
and her lipstick is everywhere.

"so- i just forget completely that i saw you two making out on the desk, yeah? cool? sure? no problem?." i pause.

"OH. MY. GOD. ISNT THAT ILLEGAL?!" i shout in despair.

"would you be quiet!" ms. getson sternly says. "you didn't see anything? okay?!"

"yeah sure whatever, i've got more important things that should stay in my memories than, this.." i snatch the girls wrist and drag her to the door.

"what are you doing now?" ms. getson rushes to say.

"i ms getson-"

"-lilian" she cuts me off.

"lilian. i'm going to fix uhh?" i look at her.

"tess." she says confidently, surprising since she's in a weird situation right now.

"tess. yes. i'm going to help tess fix her makeup and hair, so excuse me." i brush past lilian and open the door.

"also," i chip in, "you can pick the books up, i would bend down but i don't want to risk ripping my jeans." i shut the door, and rush over to the girls' bathroom.

and after that, we basically became best friends. in that bathroom we talked for over an hour, and got to know eachother.
i also got to know lilian more, and eventually she agreed to move to the university with us.
it took her a few months but she finally got accepted by the head of science.


i keep noticing jax turning around.
it's very constant so knowing me i'm going to investigate.

he turned around, and so did i.
he's, he's, staring at this boy?
i look at jax.
he's giving him that look.

i turn to tess.

"hey" i whisper

"hm, what i'm enjoying this lesson shh." she doesn't lift her eyes off of lilian. not once.

"hey!," i shake her, "do you think jax has the hots for that short boy up there?"

"uhm," she looks at jax and then back to the boy, "yeah i suppose."

"oh. em. gee. i knew there was more to this boy!"

"what are youse whispering about?" this deep toned voice asked.

i turn to the noise, "oh jax- oh uh nothing" i smile.

"that's a lie, why were you eyeing theo?" he asks

so the boys name is theo. interesting.
"oh we weren't eyeing theo."

"we?" he says.

"oh yes, meet tess," i lean back so that jax can see her, "tess, jax."

"hey." tess introduces herself, "i'm tess"

"jax" he smiles at her.

"you got the hots for that theo boy?" she asks with no hesitation.

jax pauses, "what? me? him? hots? no way! not me, we're just friends, that's all." he tries to persuade us.

"i've heard it all before, 'oh we're just friends' 'blah blah blah' you're only fooling yourself. you clearly like him, it's so obvious jax." i smile and pout.

instead of denying it jax instead whispers, "is it that obvious?!"

i chuckle.

"it is friend." tess says while laughing, "i don't even know you but i know that you love that boy."

*ring* *ring*

i jump, "woah- that bells loud."

everyone packs up our books and pens into our backpacks.

"right! everyone that's it for today, i'll see you.." she checks her schedule ".. again in 2 days, remember you have no lessons tomorrow. also tess, i need to speak with you for a bit about you uhm sleeping in class." lilian announces.


i grab my bag and leave the class behind everyone else.
i see a tall man standing outside the hall, he doesn't seem like a student.
i wait behind, i always wait for tess, after her "sessions" i usually just sit on the floor and listen to music.

i lean myself on the wall opposite the door.
theo emerges and runs up to the strange tall man.
i watch as i see theo stand up on his tip toes.

and kiss him.

aren't jax and theo a thing??

it takes me a minute before i click.


my eyes go crazy as i search for him in the crowd of teens.

i spot him.
he's frozen.
like a statue.
he's staring at theo.
clearly in shock.
his mouth opens.
he towers over everyone because he's so tall.

is he, crying?..

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