"i cant get you out of my head."

31 0 1

seated in class, i drift away from my professors lecture.
normally you'd think, new school, new environment, new material to learn i best keep my head down and concentrate. right?

but i can't seem to get this boy out of my head.

his medium length jet black hair, falling perfectly on his forehead, complementing his facial shape.
lime green eyes.
small, button shaped nose.
minuscule, pink stained lips.
his small, petite body image.
and naturally blushed face.

he's perfect,
everything about him is perfect.

i want him.

i need him.

it was only the last day of secondary school when i realised i had fallen deeply in love with my best friend.
we did everything together, from growing up, to even part time jobs.
he was like family in a way.

well, that's what it had felt like when we were kids at least.

though, deep inside me i knew we were destined for each other, soulmates some may say.
i was too late, and then before i even knew it we were in separate countries, and had lost all contact.

i pulled out my phone prepared to message him again.

"phew, we just about escaped the rain!" theo giggled.

"i do think it would've been funner to skip class.." i speak sarcastically.

"yeah. yeah nice try dumbass, i'm not missing my first day of university because of you." he raises an eyebrow.

pretending to have been shot in the heart i splutter, "ouch."

theo chuckles and roughly grabs my hand.
his soft skin touching mine feels soothing.
he grabs a pen from his pocket and scribbles on my hand.

"oww, that tickles!"

"here. call me if you want to talk sometime." he winks and goes on his way. waddling down the corridors.
i watch until he's out of my view.

07563185770 (random numbers NOT A REAL PHONE NUMBER LOL)


i face the palm of my hand towards my eyes view.
i place my thumb on the keypad, as little of a job it was i was still a nervous wreck.
so i face up the courage and slowly type in his number, i add him to my contacts under,


next, i had to figure out what to even send him.

i start typing, i go with the rhythm of my thumbs and my brain being the conductor.

'i cant get you out of my head.'

it's sent so i cant go back now.


"hm?" i forgot how long i'd spaced out for, must've been a long time..

"were you even listening to a word i said?" the professor lectured me, bringing me back to reality again.

i have school to concentrate on. i've almost flunked on my first day here. i cant be getting distracted because of some old childhood friend.

i know for a fact that if father finds me doing anything but perfect, he'll stop paying for my tuition and i'll be sent off to that dumb boarding school.

so i'll have to press pause on theo for now.
no matter how hard it'll be for me i need to get over him.
i've technically only known him for a day yet i've fallen so deep.

so it's time for me to climb myself back up.

"sorry, i apologise, i was day dreaming." i splutter

the professor sighs, "just get your book open to page 42."



unknown number. 

'i cant get you out of my head.'

i'm sick of him.
i literally saw him this morning.
why does he keep messaging me.
and now he's resulting to using another persons phone?
cant he just get the hint.

i don't like him.
and i don't think i ever will.

it was fun at the start don't get me wrong.
but now it's just annoying.
why cant he just leave me alone.

i need to focus on my career.
my future.

i set my phone screen down on the table.

he's certainly not in the picture.

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