
22 0 1

milo tastes funny.
chemicals almost.

i stand back down.
looking up at him i notice lipstick on his collar, red lipstick.
i don't wear lipstick.
i get a wiff of perfume off of him as he takes his jacket off.

he puts it on me.

this is the same jacket that's been on another.
a woman, if i may guess.
it didn't bother me, i was planning on breaking up with him anyway, this gives me an excuse to.

"let's go babe?" milo nods to me

"sure." i say, as he guides me through the crowds of students.

jax catches my eyes, he looks devastated, and diego is around him.
along with 2 strange unfamiliar girls.

a girl with dark, curly hair is staring at me, disappointed almost.
what did i do? i don't even know her.

jax catches my eye contact.
oh god.
did he see me and milo?
what have i done.
i thought this would've made me feel better.
but in reality i feel worse.

his eyes scream out in agony.
did i cause that?
was it my fault that i hurt him?

i only intended to make him a bit jealous.

jaxs' expression changes from sadness, to anger.

pure anger.

he steps forward, fists clutched.

yet a brunette girl runs over to him.
standing in front of him she places her hands on his chest and pushes him away.



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