So You Think You're A Suckish Demigod Preveiw

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So, I'm making a short story on my new MultiFandom Stories book that will be posted soon. It's a game show between bad demigods that totally defy steryotypes. Here are the characters, with me as the host:

Zeus: Aaron Skybluë, Afraid of heights, airplanes, lightning, thunderstorms, grew up on an Amish farm, hates being leader.

Poseidon: Ocean Starfischers, Afraid of the ocean, hydrophobic, scared of earthquakes, hates sea creatures, loves sea food.

Hades: Death McSkullins, Afraid of death, skeletons, zombies, ghosts, anything paranormal, and hates Halloween, always really happy and loves rainbows.

Aphrodite: Blonde O'Steryotype, hates makeup, love, matchmaking, Starbucks, Instagram, boys, selfies, and generally hates everything.

Athena: Einstein Smartshtuff, hates books, reading, and is generally stupid and unwise.

Hephaestus: Metalia Pyroball, Pyrophobic, hates working with stuff, looks like a supermodel, hates getting dirty.

Ares: Warinese Blood, Hates fighting and violence, is generally a hippie peacemaker.

Hermes: Liaris Thèif, Hates stealing and pranking; always honest but never generous

Demeter: Rose Gardenia, Hates gardening, scared of plants. Everything she touches usually dies.

Apollo: Archer Sunnie, Doesn't like being in the sun, really good at poetry, hates music, thinks healing something is just slapping a Band-Aid on it, hates archery

Hunter of Artemis: Luna DaHunter, Doesn't like moonlight, boy-crazy, hates archery.

Hectate: David Houdini, Doesn't like magicians. Or magic. Usually tries to burn people for witchcraft

Nemisis: Revengia Hater, Hates the word hate, doesn't like revenge and is really loving and forgiving.

Iris: Rofl Rainbow, Hates rainbows and skittles and loves M&Ms more. Also eats junk food constantly.

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