Worst Maurders Fanfic On Wattpad

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Hi, I'm Scarlett Kitty O'Smith. I walked into Hogwarts on the first day of school when I bumped into these four guys.

"Oh my God Prongs, don't push me," the black-haired guy said. Oh my God he's beautiful.

"Prongs? What? Who the heck are you?" A lankier guy with disheveled hair. One of the guys with dark hair and glasses winked at me.

"Hey *insert sexist comment James Potter would never say here*," he replied. I punched him across the face and karate chopped his spine, then he got up and brushed it off while Beautiful Black Hair scoffed. The last guy, short, made a mouse face.

"So. Cheese. Who. Cheese. Are. cheese. You?"

"Your rat is showing, Wormtail."

"Where are these nicknames? What is going on!? Who are you people, I-I just wanna go to class," the disheveled hair guy said exasperatedly.

"That's right Moony, she should join the group," Beautiful Black Hair said. Disheveled Hair sighed again, rubbing his temples.

"I'm Scarlett Kitty O'Smith and I am an animagus," I said randomly even though I've never met these guys. Disheveled Hair sputtered.

"Who has a name like that?" At the same time Beautiful Black Hair said, "Oh mah God us too! Except Remus, he turns into a werewolf."

"How did you find out about THAT?"

We all turned to glare at him.

"Get in the closet Moony," I threatened. Remus gulped.


"You aren't being cliche. Now get in the closet." I began to shove him into the closet.

"But I'm a main character wait-!"

"That's nice, now in the closet you go." After I locked him in and stole one of his hairs, we cloned a Cliche Remus to act out our evil deeds.

"Scarlett should join the g-g-g-g-g-g..." Cliche Remus said. Beautiful Black Hair smacked him with his wand. "GROUP!"

"Aw man, it had a defect," he sighed. "Oh well, we can't have everything." Then! A wild Snape flew out of the hallway like a mystical being, scolding us that we were in trouble. We ran. Quickly, Sirius and James (I now magically know there names Cuz logic) ducked into a room, pulling Wormtail and Cliche Remus with them. I followed. After the Wild Snape passed, I noticed the boys were staring at me in horror.

"Scarlett," James said slowly, "you're in the boys bathroom." We all gasped dramatically.

"I-I'm going to die!" I cried.

Then I fainted.

When I woke up in the infirmary, it was five years later. All the boys stared at me, concerned.

"You've been out for hours! We thought you were dead!" They all said at the same time.

"Well I'm not so let's prank somebody!" I said really loudly.

"Yeah!" They all cheered (at the same time).

So we broke me out of the infirmary, crept through the halls and planned to prank Snape because the author cannot remember anyone else the marauders went to school with. We had the best prank (obviously we all knew it since we were telepathically linked). We were going to TP his dorm. Then Ductape it. Boom. Your mind is blown.

Suddenly I was separated from the rest of the group and approached by a wild Bellatrix.

"We'll make you a deal," she said. I looked to the left and right of her. There was no one there.

"Who's we?"

"That's not relevant."

"It kinda is."

"SHUT UP OR I'LL PUT YOU IN THE CLOSET!" Bellatrix bellowed.

"Not the closet!" I gasped dramatically. Which reminded me, I left Not-Cliche-Remus in there five years ago without food or water. Oopsy. Not my fault they forgot to feed him. 

"Listen. Jijack the Marauders plans and there's a lollipop and membership in our cliqu," the wild Bellatrix said, waving a blue lollipop in my face. I thought for a second then smacked it our of her hand.

"What do you think I am? Five?"


"I would rather be possessed by a demon then do your evil doing," I spat. Bellatric cracked her neck. 

"That can be arranged."

"HOCUSPOKEMONABRACADABRAICHOOSEYOU!" I yelled, pointing my wand at Bellatrix and casting a super powerful curse I made up because the author forgot all real super powerful curses that aren't Avada kederva and is too lazy to look it up. Bellatrix tried to wave the balls of clicheness I just launched at her but it was too much. She screamed in agony as the clicheness devoured her. Then I realized something: She had tricked me into doing dark magic. Good-Looking-Hair-Guy who I kinda forgot his name/the author tried to make it seem like a purposeful affectionate pet name even though it's just annoying. 

Meh. I won't get expelled cuz that's just how DumbleBumble and I roll.

Then, to sum everything up: We ended up abandoning Cliche Remus in the woods cuz he was too defective, James did something with his life probably pervy, Good-Looking-Hair-Guy and I got married and had a kid named Flower that we gave to James to take care of (we never saw her back) and Wormtail kind of... vanished.

And I was able to wield dark cliche magic and stop Voldemort which created a paradox which I got sucked into and deposited- ACK! IN OZ!

A girl with bronze hair stuck a black bandanna in my mouth. 

"Shh," she hissed. "Spoilers. We don't want to readers knowing what my big finale to this book will be. It's not even remotely close to the time to tell them anything."

"Mrph," I replied, the bandanna in my mouth. I tried to curse her but it didn't work. She deflected it.

"Don't even try that. I made you, I'm immune to your revolting powers," she responded. "Promise not to bite?" I nodded. She took the badanna out of my mouth.

"How did you make me? You look, like, 10."

"It's suppose to be fifteen! Don't be disgusting. I'm only 523," she winced. "Which in hindsight may not have been the best thing to say."

"OMG R U-"

She interrupted me, putting to fingers on my forehead. 

"Shh, sleep. Sleep Scarlett and when you awake you will not remember a single thing."

Then I went back to my life with Good-Looking-Hair-Guy and had lots of babehs.

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