The Worst (Super)Wholock Fanfic on Wattpad

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WARNING: I have not watched Supernatural before writing this. All my knowledge of the characters is based off stuff I've seen here and rants from my friends. I'm sorry if I get something wrong with is why I put Super in brackets. I didn't want to do two different fanfics, one for after I watched Supernatural and before so here's the Worst Superwholock Fanfic on Wattpad.

*insert pun on Weeping Angels and Moriarty and demons*
A short Superwholock fanfic by _JohnlockAndDestiel5ever_

Once upon a time Doctor Who was traveling with Amy and Rory and OOPS Amy was Scottish and spilled tea all over the console. The TARDIS crashed in the front of 221B Baker Street. People shrugged at the smoking heap of blue and continued walking their poodles.

Jawn and Sherly-Wirly-Pudding-Pie came out to assess the damage. The Doctor, Amy, and Rory climbed out of the wreckage, somehow unharmed.

"Omg ur an alien and ur the Doctor I've hacked into mah bro's files and I know bout you," Sher-lock-and-key said.

"How'd u know that I want a lawyer and fish sticks w/ custard!" Doctor Who yelled.

"I'm psychic- I mean I DEDUCTED IT!"

"SHERLOCK,"  Hedgehog Boy yelled because his only purpose here is to scold Sherlock.

Suddenly River appeared. "Hello, Sweetie."

She violently grabbed the Doctor Who and started kissing him.

"Why are you kissing meh?" He asked.

"SPOILERS!" River yelled because all she does is sit around in inappropriate clothing, kiss the doctor, and randomly say "spoilers" and "hello sweetie".

"Hey we gonna shoot YA!" A guy with light brown hair said pointing a gun at the DoctorWho.

"OMG I HATE GUNS AND VIOLENCE!" Doctor Who yelled, turning rabid and waving his sonic screwdriver at these two brothers that had appeared out of nowhere. The guns sparked and clattered to the ground but they pulled out new ones from God-knows-where.

"Im Dean and this is Sam and tell us who da hell you are before we shooot you," the guy said. The Doctor Who backhanded him and took the gun out of his hands.

"Let's talk this out, man," he said. "There has to be a reason that we're all here!"

"SPOILERS!" River yelled. Doctor Who looked over at her.

"Yes, thank you River."

"I've deducted that you two had a terrible dad and go hunting for things and used to be wanted by the FBI," Sherly-kins announced.

Sam glared at him. "Maybe we did maybe we didn't."

Shersassy snapped his fingers in a z-formation. "My deductions are never wrong."

"SHERLOCK!" Jawn yelled again.

"Yes Jawn my love?"

"We're OUT. OF. JAM!" He ran rabid around London. "I NEEEED JAAAAAM!"

"You!" Sheryl pointed to Pie Guy. "Find the love of my life some jam and a jumper and I'll think about not insulting your face."

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