The Worst KC and PJO Crossover on Wattpad

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Thought you could skate by that easily?

*evil laugh*

This one has a bit of a throwback... You're welcome.

Updated this as quickly as possible since you were so nice about cleaning up the comments.

Hugs, kisses, bowties, geniuses, cliches, salt, swords, spells and poison apples,

Kat Loss, Ninjagirl13

Hiiii! My name is Luna Hunter and here's my next big adventure!

So, like, the gods decided us demigods are, like, waaay too much work. So they decided to send us away to Goode High or Demigod High because no other high school in the world exists (seriously, it's crowded here).

"Omg!" Tamy said upon entering the magnificent, marvelous, majestic, 4-story, eggshell, Greek-Modern-Rustic style mansion with a Stranko security system and fifty butlers and chefs and maids and a TARDIS. We each had our own bedrooms and living rooms and movie theater and kitchen and kissing booth, and swimming pool and rec room and archery rang and library (but we never use it because PSH books) and floor-to-ceiling case of Disney movies and a roller coaster in the back yard.

*spends q93458y-345873458374594548575819436789631546846874689546894652410854681170769 hours describing every room in the house*

Anyway today is our first day at school.

Percy and Annabeth got in a blue Honda civic with a fully automated driver.

Piper and Jason got in matching pink and purple sports cars with unicorns and bricks on them.

Leo and Thalia got in a black '67 Chevy Impala with their shades on and flipped us off.

Frank and Hazel got a modern, regular colored minivan with bumper stickers on it.

Will and Nico got in a pitch black Batmobile and came to school late with their hair messed up.

"Omigod you guys!" This blonde cheerleader screamed, smiling, "I'm Kimmy Cliche Brittany Steph El Woods." She winked at Percy then shoved him against a locker to kiss him and then this guy did the same thing to Annabeth because there is always a couple that tries to break up Percabeth. DUH!

"Guy's it's time for Ancient Greek class!" Piper yelled even though no such class is offered in highschools. "Stop kissing already."

Then Annabeth snapped her guy's neck and kneed him in the not so pleasant place before walking away. He got up and glared at her before grabbing Kimmy K or whatever her face was and making out with her. We left the two teenagers in the hallways to congregate while we went to our class which we all had together even though we're not all the same age.

It was taught by this guy that I'm not really going to describe and we're in a class with a scary emo girl (she's obviously emo because she wears black), a guy that looked like a professor and a girl with red streaks in her hair.

"Can anyone tell me who the god of water is?" the teacher asked. Percy would've answered but he was too busy playing with his graham crackers and goldfish so the girl with red hair streaks answered anyway.

"Uh... DUUR is it Thor?"

"No you imbecile," Annasassy snapped, "it's Poseidon."

The girl whipped out an ivory stick and threw it at Annabeth. It transformed into a snake and bit her head off. The ivory stick turned back into a stick and the girl caught it again. Professor Guy sighed.

"Sadie. That's the third time in a week."

"But she snapped at me!"

"That's what people DO!" Carter (omg I suddenly know his name) replied in a Moriarty voice. Sadie threw the stick at him and he died but she resurrected him because she kinda felt bad (plus Amos would ground her if she brought her brother back from school decapitated again).

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