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Friday 7:12pm
It had been a few month since I moved into Addison Apartments, Sal and Larry are now my best friends, the people i would go to for help, and the people I know I could trust. My life seems to be heading in the right direction. Let's just hope it stays that way...

Larry had organised a sleep over with all 3 of us. "Okay, what are we gonna smash first," He had stacked an enormous amount of video games for us to play through. "Why don't we just play something like never have I ever," I suggest. "Hm, okay," Larry spins to face me, I was sat on his bed whilst he was on a beanbag. Sal was sat right next to him. We all spread our hands out, holding 5 fingers up.

"Never have I ever, not brushed my teeth before bed," Sal innocently giggles. "Please- make this at-least a little interesting," Larry puts a finger down. "Uh, Larry-" I laugh with all 5 of my fingers still up. "Everyone has, yous two are so bullshitting!" He chuckles.

"Okay, never have I ever not kissed anyone before," Larry raises an eyebrow. I still have five fingers up, Larry has 4 and Sal- wait. I watch as Sal slowly puts his pinky down hoping no one notices. He's never kissed anyone before?! "Sal, you've never had your first kiss?" I actually feel pretty bad. "I...Uh-nope," he scratches the back of his head. I could almost feel him going an insane colour of red below his mask. "Don't worry dude, your gonna make someone extremely lucky one day," Larry sweetly reassures him.

The game went on for about 10 minutes. I had 2 fingers left, Larry had 1 and Sal also had 2. "I've got a good one, never have I ever started a paint war at y/n's house whilst we were trying to help her unpack!" Larry eyes up Sal. "Okay okay, I apologise for that," Sal quite happily puts a finger down. "That was so fun though-" I laugh. "I had paint still stuck in my hair after a week," Sal adds.

In the end, Larry lost never have I ever and Sal won. The games just kept on coming, 21 questions was next and I was in the hot seat. "So, what brought you to Addison apartments, what's your story y/n?" Larry asks. Um... my mind went fuzzy, remembering the real reason why I'm here. Do it -Them words didn't leave my brain. Why did I do it? Why... i heard the sirens, I saw the blue and red lights. I was reliving the entire thing again. I could feel my eyes start to water, and it made me think of when I sat in-front of that fire in the woods. It made my eyes burn it was so hot, and my clothes disintegrated within seconds. My mother, my poor mother. A warm tear rolled down my check and I was frozen.

"Hey? Y/n," Sal clicks his fingers in-front of my face. "Um- I'll be right back," I rush out of the apartment without another word, past the vending machine and into the elevator.

I was sat in my bathroom. Holding all the documents, my name was stamped at the top, and everything that I said and what I had done was here. In my hand. I had hoped I dreamed the whole thing, but these pieces of paper make it a reality. I sobbed, the paper in my hand soaked up a tear.

Suddenly I heard my front door. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Sal spoke from behind it. "Give me a minute!" I yell as I rush into my room trying to hide the documents. "I'm coming in y/n, you sound like your upset and I just want to help," my heart pounds as I hear the door open. "Sal! Wait!" I try holding my back against the entrance to my bedroom to give me more time to think. Only one more paper! "Y/n, open the door," he try's pushing on it. Okay, y/n, on three, rush to the draw and stuff it in. One... "y/n!" Two... "What's wrong!?" Three... I leap for my dresser, as I do so I hear the door burst open behind me. I manage to get most of the paper into the drawer, it stuck out a little, but it's okay... I then turn to be met with Sal.

"What's wrong y/n, what happened?" He seemed genuinely concerned. Within seconds I broke and fell to my knees, I couldn't hold back the tears. Sal wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry," was all I could get out as I buried my face into his neck.

Sal's POV:

"It's okay, your safe," I held y/n close. Something is seriously wrong, and she's definitely hiding something. I glance around the room, and spot a slightly crumpled paper hanging out of a drawer. She was stood over the dresser as I opened the door... as she cried into my chest I take one hand and reach for it. I grab it and quickly shove it into my pocket. It feels wrong just taking it without her knowing, and It may be nothing, but I just want to help.

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